How climate change effects polar bears’ habitat The climate change effects the polar bears because the earth is getting warmer. This is called Global warming. Global warming is harming the polar bears by melting their ice that they need to live. And with the ice melting, seals, polar bears food, wont be able to survive either. When the ice is melting, it turns into water, and when the ice turns into water, the polar bears have to swim, but if the polar bears are in water to long they may drown and die.
What will happen to the polar bears if the lose their habitat? If the polar bears lose their habitat they might start to rome around in an open area. The polar bears may die because they will not find any food or just plain get killed by not being in their original habitat. When the polar bears are roming with a family, they may kill the whole family, too. While roming they may even get eaten.
How are we effecting the polar bears? We are effecting the polar bears by letting too much co2(carbon dioxide) into the air. Too much co2 into the air causes Global Warming. Global Warming causes the ice to melt. (Got me so far?) So, what should we do?
The terms of “Climate Change”and“Carbon Footprint” climate Change means that the weather is changing. In this case its getting to hot for the polar bear. Just like at your house, at night it gets cooler, right? Carbon Footprint means the amount of carbon dioxide or other carbon compounds emitted into the atmosphere by the activities of an individual, company, country, etc. carbon
How to reduce “Carbon Footprints” To reduce Carbon Footprints at school you could walk home instead of having a parent\guardian bringing and dropping you off at school Or you could carpool to and from work\school
How to reduce global warming So we are back to Global warming and how to reduce it. Well I was thinking we could… Ride our bikes,scoter, skates, skateboards, to school, pool, friends house and, other places just around the corner. I hope you can help me save Polar Bears and even other animals is your neighborhood. Thank you!