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…and The microphones are live Please use them to ask questions Please state your name when asking a question
EMAN Working Group Chairs: –Nevil Brownlee –Bruce Nordman –
Agenda (1 of 3) 1.Note well, agenda bashing, note takers, blue sheets, 5 min 2.Update from last meeting / WG Status 5 min 3.Energy Management Terminology draft-parello-eman-definitions-06, John Parello, 5 min 4.Requirements for Energy Management, draft-ietf-eman-requirements-08, Juergen Quittek, 15 min 5.Energy Management Framework, draft-ietf-eman-framework-05, John Parello, 30 min
Agenda (2 of 3) 6. MIBs 6.a. Energy-aware Networks and Devices MIB draft-ietf-eman-energy-aware-mib-06, John Parello, 20 min 6.b. Entity MIB (Version 4) draft-chandramouli-eman-rfc4133bis-01, Dan Romascanu, 10 min 6.c. Power and Energy Monitoring MIB draft-ietf-eman-energy-monitoring-mib-03, Mouli Chandramouli (presented by Nevil), 15 min 6.d. Definition of Managed Objects for Battery Monitoring draft-ietf-eman-battery-mib-05, Rolf Winter (presented by Bruce), 5 min 7. Energy Management (EMAN) Applicability Statement, draft-ietf-eman-applicability-statement-01, Bruce Nordman, 5 min
Agenda (3 of 3) 8. Review Milestones Consider requesting adding to charter: Entity MIB (Version 4) 9. Non-charter drafts (if time) 9.a. A Framework and Requirements for Energy Aware Control Planes draft-retana-rtgwg-eacp-00, Alvaro Retana, 5 min 9.b. Green Usage Monitoring Information Base draft-suganuma-greenmib-00, Satoru Izumi, 5 min 9.c. Nanogrids draft-nordman-nanogrids-00, Bruce Nordman, 5 min 10. Open microphone: whatever time is left Note: There will be an EERG Bar BOF (Energy Efficiency Research Group) Wednesday evening, 20:00 in Georgia A.
Goals and Milestones (1) Dec 2010 Publish Internet draft on Energy Management Requirements Dec 2010 Publish Internet draft on Battery MIB Dec 2010 Publish Internet draft on Energy Management Framework Dec 2010 Publish Internet draft on Energy-aware Networks and Devices MIB Dec 2010 Publish Internet draft on Power and Energy Monitoring MIB March 2012 Publish Internet draft on Energy Management Applicability
Goals and Milestones (2) March 2012 Submit Internet draft on Energy October 2012Management Requirements July 2012Submit Internet draft on Battery MIB October 2012 July 2012Submit Internet draft on Energy February 2013 Management Framework July 2012Submit Internet draft on Energy-aware June 2013Networks and Devices MIB July 2012Submit Internet draft on Power and Energy June 2013Monitoring MIB July 2012Submit Internet draft on Energy Management February 2013 Applicability