On The Top of The Food Chain
Gen Y (Millennials) Birth dates ranging somewhere from the mid-1970s to the late 1980's,early or mid 1990's, or as late as the early 2000's. 1) They are racially and ethnically diverse 2) They are extremely independent because several reasons 3) They feel empowered
Generation Y Represents the Future Market For Most Brands The size of this generational segment The Largest GenY Population China =128 million India =426 million U.S. =70 million
Who has been successful at marketing to Gen Y ? Apple Jet Blue Trader Joes
Apple What did Apple do right? They spoke directly to Gen Y and asked the question: What do you want?
The Four Areas Cheap cost Good quality Fast service An “ experience ”
Cheap or Elite Cheap cost to save the money Have high demand for good quality In the middle can get lost!!!
Fast service Gernation name Internet using population Gen Y 30% Gen X 23% Younger Boomers 22% Older Boomers 13%
Good example When Apple created the 99-cent download that took eight seconds to transact, they hit the nail on the head with Gen Y. Music is an experience, the quality is stellar, the cost is low, and the purchase happens instantly
Source retail-teens-usat_x.htm articles/9011/1/marketing-GenY.htm online eting_to_gen_y/