Dorados are Driven!
Meet Mrs. Wise This is Mrs. Wise’s sixth year teaching after receiving her Bachelors degree from Florida State University and her Masters in Elementary Education from the University of Florida. She has had the opportunity to teach both 6 th and 2 nd grades during her career. Mrs. Wise was born and raised in Key West, and enjoys fishing with her family and spending time on the water. She wants to create a classroom environment that promotes meaningful learning through hands on experiences. Mrs. Wise is looking forward to a year full of excitement and learning.
Meet Mrs. Hall Mrs. Hall is a fresh water Conch and has been happily living in the Florida Keys for forty years. She attended Hodges University and earned a Bachelor's of Science in Executive Management. Mrs. Hall is currently pursuing a teaching certification in Elementary Education K-6 through the University of West Florida. Before joining Sigsbee School, she managed the developmental mathematics center and academic services at the Florida Keys Community College. Her passions include traveling with family and gardening.
Homework Homework is assigned every Friday and is due back to school the following Friday. Students should be reading or listening to books for at least 30 minutes a day. Homework generally consists of: reading log each night, math pages, and a reading response. Please check your child’s planner weekly along with signing every Friday.
Balanced Literacy Reading Workshop Independent Reading during individual conferences Mini Lesson Independent practice during guided reading Wrap up/share Writing Workshop Mini Lesson Independent practice Small group lessons Independent conferences Wrap up/share
Thinking Strategies SynthesizePredict Make Connections Infer Summarize Monitor Comprehension Determine Importance QuestionVisualize These strategies are the core of our thinking and stategies for problem solving.
Math Workshop Calendar Math Rocket Math Go Math Math Workshop Activities/Math shelf Math groups Math journal -Math games, Meet with Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Hall, ipads, and math games
Word Study Research has demonstrated that memorizing spelling lists is an ineffective way to develop solid spelling skills. During word study, the teacher works with students on word sorts, which is designed specifically for the student and based on assessments. This helps the child to understand and generalize spelling patterns. We will begin word study in the upcoming weeks.
Science, Social Studies & Technology Integration into other subjects Science Units of Study: Inquiry & tools/Crustaceans (first 3 weeks) Study of Universe (until October) Study of Earth (until January) Study of Sea (late March/early April) Anatomy and Physiology (topical inquiry) Simple Machines Technology
Schedule Please remember to have your child wear tennis shoes on PE days! The Dorados go to P.E. on Wednesdays and Friday. Our Library day is Tuesday. Please help your child return their library books to school each week. Science lab twice a week Computer lab
Snack, water, etc Bring a refillable water bottle to school. Class snack Birthdays can be celebrated at school with a healthy birthday snack for the class. (i.e. fruit, yogurt, cheese and crackers) If sending in money with your child, please put it in a ziploc bag or envelope and write the child’s name, amount, and what it’s for.
Jupiter Jupiter is used to take attendance each day along with sending s and discipline referrals to parents.
Grading Report card- twice in the school year Reading/Writing Continuum twice per year DRA GO Math assessments OctoberJanuaryAprilJune ConferenceReport cardConferenceReport card
Our Classroom Community RespectResponsibilityResilience We recognize that we are all unique. We help our learning partners, friends and fellow Dorados remember our school rules. We can walk away from a tough situation. Fair does not mean the same, it is what is right for you. We are responsible for upholding the image of our school, our classroom, and ourselves. We have choices in all situations. We recycle, reduce our waste and reuse supplies. We are all contributors in our classroom community.
Florida Standards Assessment
When do they test?
Who Writes?
How you can help your child succeed READ,READ, READ with your child EVERY night. Discuss what you have read. Predict, infer, question……. Quiz your child nightly on their addition and subtraction facts! Make homework a priority!
Volunteer Opportunities Holiday celebrations Field trips Making copies (Rocket Math set up) Amazon wish list Reading mentor Snack Magnets
Questions? Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! I look forward to being apart of your child’s educational journey.