Welcome to Second Grade Shanghai American School inspires in all students: A lifelong passion for learning A commitment to act with integrity and compassion The courage to live their dreams
Reading Workshop Our balanced literacy program includes read-alouds, shared, independent, and guided reading opportunities in different genres. We will be spending an equal amount of time studying fiction and non-fiction. Each student reads at their independent level. Each student self selects ‘just right’ books for classroom and home reading. It is important to understand the focus is not the level of reading, but on the ability to comprehend. This will prepare students for a future academic life of interacting and understanding all texts.
Your children will... Not just decode text, but learn strategies that help them: ●Think ●Understand ●Interact ●Reflect ●Infer ●Synthesize To obtain these strategies children need to slow down and become thoughtful readers. This slowing down gives children time to refine strategies and become more active, fluent readers.
Writing Workshop Writing Workshop is designed to develop students’ confidence in and love of writing, while incorporating prewriting, writing and revision skills. We emphasize that the process of writing is as important as the end product and that writing is a useful, everyday tool to communicate. Writers Workshop Units: ●Personal Narratives (Narrative) ●Writing about Reading (Persuasive) ●Lab Reports / Science Books (Informational) ●Poetry ●Cross Genre Writing
Word Study Each student will work at their own level, learning words through meaningful and engaging activities. Activities call for active problem solving, encouraging students to discover what they know about a new word and how it is similar to words they already know. Activities may include open sort, closed sort, letter manipulations, spotting patterns, sight word practice
Common Core Math Everyday Math Learning Corporation University of Chicago School Math Project an enriched mathematics curriculum that empowers students to understand mathematical content far beyond simple memorization of facts an emphasis on developing more meaning to math by integrating data gathering, analysis, probability, geometry, patterns and algebra. a view of mathematics as part of the ongoing classroom routines, outdoor play, and the spare transitional moments that occur every day.
What will you see being sent home: Family Letters - at the beginning of the unit IPP - “Individual Profile of Progress” - before and after each unit of study to inform you of your child’s progress towards attaining the Common Core Math Standards. Home Links - homework for reinforcement of concepts or skills Challenging Math Games and other activities- posted on classroom websites
Science and Social Studies Trimester 1: Social Concepts - Building our Community Earth Science - Air and Weather Trimester 2: Economic Concepts - Goods and Services Physical Science - Properties of Matter Trimester 3: Geography Concepts - Continents and Oceans Life Science - Ecosystems
Homework Purpose: Reinforce skills and concepts Extend educational opportunities beyond the walls of the classroom Develop independent learning habits Reading every night for 20 minutes is essential. Additional homework should take no more than 20 minutes Classroom teacher - 10 minutes Language Learning Block Teacher - 10 minutes Generally speaking, assignments will be project based Homework may be differentiated depending on the needs of the student.
Best Homework Practices Designated Time - With your child, decide on a specific time for homework to be completed everyday. Establish a routine. Designated Space - With your child, decide on a quiet, comfortable spot for homework to be completed everyday. Other Home Activities to Support Learning - Family field trips, board and card games, activities posted on classroom websites, practice workbooks, after school activities, etc...
Reading Guidelines Grade 2 Guidelines: minutes per week (avg minutes/day) What’s the purpose of reading at home? Build a positive reading life out of school Provide additional time for students to read. Encourage enjoyment. What does reading at home look like for a 2nd grader? Reading with or to an adult. Being read to by an adult. Reading independently.
Parent Volunteers Contact the 2nd Grade GLC to learn more about opportunities to get involved: Kim Hartwig and Maureen Davis Classroom parties and activities - room parents will notify you of events Helping teachers and teaching assistants with the preparation of materials Attending Field Trips - being responsible for a group of students
Important School Websites Elementary School General PTSA link ES PTSA link
Visiting Your Child’s Classroom Ms. Shauna Covell - Room Mrs. Kelly Hevland - Room Ms. Deb Whitney - Room 136