Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.2 Beta Yuval Shein – Partner Technical Sale – Microsoft Israel SMS&P Team
מעגל החלטה שינויים במהלך הזמן הכרה בצורך הערכת חלופות דאגות וספקות החלטהיישום
IT Migration Challenges Can my existing client machines run Windows Vista and 2007 Microsoft Office? Can my existing servers migrate to Windows Server 2008? What is the portion of physical servers that can be consolidated with Hyper-V? Managed by SCVMM? Where I can find the SQL Server 2000 instances and migrate to SQL Server 2008? Are my PCs secure? Are they good candidates for Forefront Client security technologies? Is Microsoft Online Services right for me? What about application virtualization? Page 3
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit Page 4
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit Integrated Automated Toolkit for migration planning from desktops to servers Agent-less inventory of clients, servers, applications, devices and roles Technology migration and readiness assessment and proposal generation Multi-Product Planning and Assessment Tool (proposals included) Hardware and Device Compatibility for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and 2007 Microsoft Office System Server Virtualization candidates for consolidation with Hyper-V and Virtual Server 2005 R2 SQL Servers Inventory Microsoft Online Services Survey-Based Assessment Desktop Security Assessment and Forefront/NAP Readiness Power Management and Savings Infrastructure assessment for environment to leverage Microsoft Application Virtualization (formerly SoftGrid) Page 5 MAP Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Virtual Server 2005 R2 Windows Vista 2007 Microsoft Office App-VSCVMM SQL Server 2008 Forefront /NAP Microsoft Online Services Other Products
MAP – How it works Page 6 Report Generation For Different Migration Scenarios MAP Customer Network Assess your environment and recommend the right technologies MAP Tool User (Microsoft Customers) Server Consolidation? Virtualization? Windows OS migration? SQL migration? PC security?
MAP - Proposals Page 7
MAP – Detailed Assessments Page 8 PC-by-PC Level Detailed Reporting Hardware and Device Assessment Results System ResourcesSystem Resources Experience after UpgradesExperience after Upgrades Deployment BlockersDeployment Blockers Device CompatibilityDevice Compatibility Current OS Results
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.2 Page 9
Reports Server Virtualization Report Windows Server 2008 recommendation Page 17
Top 3 Questions Is this tool secure? MAP requires the user to enter local admin credentials for the client machines and servers; non-admin user cannot gain access to the machines and will get no results from the MAP tool MAP encrypts the data traffic from the MAP machine to the assessed server and client machines MAP does not persist or store any credentials required for WMI to remotely gather information on the server and client machines How much data traffic do we get? A typical network of desktops would typically see 300kB to 1MB per PC of data traffic generated by MAP What’s the impact on each computer? Very minimal. The MAP tool only ping about 30 machines at any given instance. Page 18
More Resources Learn more about Virtualization: TechNet Virtualization TechCenter Microsoft Virtualization Site Get Free Downloads: Virtualization Solution Accelerators: Microsoft Assessment and Planning Infrastructure Planning & Design Guideshttp:// Windows Server 2008 Security Guidehttp:// Microsoft Deploymenthttp:// Offline Virtual Machines Servicing Tool us/library/cc aspx us/library/cc aspx Page 19
Customer/User Feedback Page 20 “ Costco IT staff used the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit to evaluate server loads…Using the toolkit, staff members discovered that, in many cases, servers were running at only 5 percent utilization, making them good candidates for consolidation” Jason Griffith, Costco Wholesale Corp., Microsoft Customer in US “ Because of the tool’s recommendations, CHS decided not to replace all of its computers as originally planned. By replacing only half of the computers, the company reduced hardware costs, originally budgeted at $76,000, by 50 percent.” Sumeeth Evans, Collegiate Housing Services, Microsoft Customer in U.S. “ Unlike other tools in the market, this tool offers fast, secure and agent-less assessment for hardware and device compatibility in a matter of hours instead of days. …our recommended tool for our sales force to generate demand for Windows Vista deployments...” David Feng, Systex Corporation, Gold Certified Partner in Taiwan
Q&A Page 21
© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Page 22