Budget Building 101 A review of the current year, areas of need for the FY16 budget, and highlights and focus for continued growth
School Improvement Process- emphasis on special needs development and continued success Staff development with focus on literacy and technology Teacher Cohorts: EMU and Math Science Partnership, Radford Professional Staff- Cohort for Learning through Regent University Full Accreditation Emphasis on Project Based Learning Alternative assessments- Real Life and Student Focused Technology Infrastructure growth and connectivity
Discussions with staff Superintendent met with staff members at RCES and RCHS on January 5. A brief overview of the budget process was discussed: the November work session and VASS review, the Governor’s Budget released in December, the process of budget development, public hearing periods, and the discussion of classroom and student needs. RCES set up a meeting for the K-3 teachers to discuss their concerns, questions, and student needs. RCHS sent some concerns that they would like addressed as well. The administration discussed areas of need for school improvement, areas of new focus and innovative programs to benefit students, grant writing, and ideas to incorporate in the budget.
Areas of Concern addressed by the RCES Staff Competitive Salaries Conferences Field trips Classroom Supplies Health insurance Retirement/ VRS Teacher work days The staff stated that about 4 years ago the conferences and field trips had been reduced. They stated the use of field trips and conferences has been wonderful and they request no change in these areas.
Competitive Salaries, VRS, Health Insurance as addressed by RCES The area of competitive salaries was discussed. Results of the VASS work session held in November were shared (including salary scale changes for some areas). The salaries of teachers and paraprofessionals were found to be very competitive within the regional markets (VASS report). The request was made by teachers to give full attention to maintaining their level of salaries, to give a step this year, and to maintain the school board compensation towards health insurance. The teachers shared that when the VRS went up, they actually lost money and have never fully recovered from the years their salaries were frozen.
Classroom Supplies and Work Days The teachers complimented the administration for continuing to support their needs in the classroom with supplies. They felt these line items were sufficient. They also expressed that their hard work to see the school fully accredited was due to teacher quality and innovative teaching practices. They respectfully requested that we maintain support of them through salary step compensation. (not bonuses which negatively affect VRS and does not help them financially) Work days in this school calendar have been welcomed! They ask that we continue to support their work through the use of these work days.
Requests from RCHS Maintain the salary schedule and give a full step increase- maintaining the integrity of their profession and support for what they do The PE department would like to see another PE teacher The chemistry department would like to maintain the current level for classroom supplies. Increase compensation totals for coaches- to include additional coaching stipends for assistants
Administrative Requests RCHS- add two additional periods of PE thereby not having to share staff at RCES RCES- maintain the reading specialist position RCHS- continue with our new initiative of project based learning RCHS-Add money into the budget to cover PRIDE programming ($3000) RCHS- And the Verdun trip for grade 8 students ($4500) RCES and RCHS- add assistant coaching positions to avoid the volunteer positions we now have in place RCES, RCHS, and Superintendent-addition of a full time athletic trainer/director Special education- requests are not available at this time due to changing case loads and possible additional needs.
Facility Requests Increase line item for HVAC- currently we have spent $55,000 on HVAC this year. Facility Director suggests HVAC maintenance and preventive maintenance increase from $25000 to $39,000 Increase boiler backflow by $500 Due to Civil Rights audit, bathroom stalls need updating and this may need to be added to the board’s request for capital improvements
Salary Schedule Changes for Salary schedules will be reviewed over a two to three year period as per the VASS report. Custodians, LPN, RN, secretaries and executive secretary scales were adopted in November. New scales would reflect a cut off at 31+ Director scales remained the same with the flexibility to implement the hiring philosophy and additional pay for additional duties.
Areas requested by the board for review: Adult education- program available within the county through Lifelong Learning New courses for CTE and possible CNA course- must pass approval process from VDOE Reading specialist- completed 2014 Fulltime ES PE teacher- not required Weather station program to assist RLEP- grant program in process and principal and staff did not request another weather station. The school is working together in grants to support such areas. Fulltime trainer/athletic director- in budget
Board Concerns Continued: Indoor track- students did not ask to continue with this, not an issue at this time Addition of 10 th grade at MVGS- will not go into effect until so we will discuss next year Football discussion- board concern over lagging numbers, will be reviewed at the February meeting, currently full financial support for football is in the budget
Board Concerns Continued: Additional monies for staff /course reimbursements: we have additional slots in the Eastern Mennonite University cohort program and have 2 additional slots for literacy and technology PSAT/SAT- college board waivers- through the guidance office and can be used for up to 2 tests and 2 applications PSAT is free to students, AP fee is paid for the students, SAT is $52.50 per test. Superintendent does not recommend payment for SAT tests.
Superintendent Requests Afterschool program supplies $2000 Increase of legal fees $ 15,000 Workers compensation $5000 Fleet insurance increase $ 3000 RDA system upgrade $3000 Bus radios $7000 ( end of year?) Bus cameras for some buses $9000 (end of year?) Increase drama stipend(s) Add a step increase for staff members not affected by salary scale changes
Capital Improvement Process Concerns: Windows, parking lots, and Civil Rights compliance from CTE audit. Window estimate around $250K Parking lots to include areas in Civil Rights audit: HS areas range from $95K to highest $230K. ES lots range from $44K to $108K parking lot SBO range from $35K to highest estimate $45K Other areas in Civil Rights report: bathroom upgrades, bollards, and pavement marking $8K to $10K Stage/gym accessibility- Lift and ramp $25K
Superintendent recommendations for capital improvements Research the process for funding mechanisms for capital improvements and work with the BOS for options. Define the process and seek actual costs through RFP process Discussion of payments
Civil Rights Draft Report The board has a copy of the draft report. The report will be discussed at a regular school board meeting. Questions?