KYOTE Training: The People 2014-15. Purposes of Presentation Describe the positions that school personnel must fill in order to conduct KYOTE testing.


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Presentation transcript:

KYOTE Training: The People

Purposes of Presentation Describe the positions that school personnel must fill in order to conduct KYOTE testing Describe who can fill these positions Describe the responsibilities that the person in each position must perform in collaboration with those in the other positions in order to ensure successful KYOTE testing Provide guidance on terminology within the KYOTE system Provide guidance for school personnel deciding staff to lead KYOTE testing in the school or district

Positions Needed for KYOTE Testing These positions can be held by one or more staff members. If more than one person holds these positions, they must work together to ensure successful KYOTE testing. Placement Class Owner Exam Scheduler Teacher Exam Proctor Building Assessment Coordinator (BAC) District Assessment Coordinator (DAC)

The Placement Class Owner Who can fill this position? DAC, BAC, school administrator or teacher What are the responsibilities? Creates the school placement class (if not already established) as described in Section I of the KYOTE User Guide Must grant BAC and DAC access to the school placement class as described in Section III of the User Guide. Anyone with access can schedule exams and view test results Grants, if requested, the principal, teacher or other school official access to the class

The Exam Scheduler Who can fill this position? DAC, BAC, school administrator or teacher who has been given access to the school placement class by the class owner What are the responsibilities? Schedules the placement exams as described in Section II of the User Guide Creates testing session name and password as part of the scheduling process Provides testing session name and password to the exam proctor prior to administration of the exam Informs BAC about all testing sessions scheduled

The Teacher Who can fill this position? Generally the person teaching the transitional course/intervention What are the responsibilities? Creates student accounts for students in the course as described in Section VI of the User Guide. Saves a list of each student name, student account password, and SSID number Assists students with sending their test results to the college or university of their choice as described in Section XIII.D of the User Guide

The Teacher (continued) Teachers are encouraged to give an online practice exam in mathematics and reading prior to the administration of a placement exam as described in Section XI of the User Guide Teachers are encouraged to give in-class writing assignments to prepare students for the writing exam. There is an online writing practice exam but it is not graded. Note: Taking a practice exam familiarizes students with using student accounts, testing format and the content of the placement exam. Students may take a practice exam as many times as they like.

The Exam Proctor Who can fill this position? Responsible school official who has completed KYOTE Training, Administration Code Training and Inclusion of Special Populations (if applicable) What are the responsibilities? Verifies with IT staff that computers are prepared for testing as described in Section V of the User Guide. Note: Firefox is the recommended browser for the mathematics exams since it requires no plug-ins; IE requires a plug-in Obtains testing session name and password (needed to access the placement exam) from the exam scheduler

The Exam Proctor (continued) Obtains student account passwords and addresses from the teacher Verifies that students are taking the correct exam. Students sometimes mistakenly take a practice exam instead of a placement exam and no results are recorded for that student Refers to Section VIII of User Guide for what to do if students cannot log in to their accounts Checks whether students taking mathematics exams have calculators in compliance with KDE calculator policy as described in Section VIII of the User Guide

The Exam Proctor (continued) Verifies students have only blank paper and a pencil/pen when taking a reading or writing exam Checks student computer screens regularly during the testing session to ensure they are on KYOTE site only Completes SEATING CHART and gives it to the BAC Reports testing irregularities or policy violations to the BAC

The BAC Provides oversight to the KYOTE system Owns the school placement class or has been given access to the class by the class owner Saves the seating charts for all testing sessions Reviews the exam results for all students in the school placement class at the end of each semester or trimester and checks for violations of the testing frequency rules as described in Section IV of the User Guide

The BAC (continued) Views online, if needed, the exam results to find the name of the exam scheduler of a testing session for which the BAC does not have a seating chart or about which the BAC was not informed. Note: The BAC, or anyone with access to the school placement class, can View online or Download (as a spreadsheet) exam results for students in the class as described in Section IV of the User Guide. The results are in alphabetical order by last name. The exam score, date and name of the exam scheduler are clearly displayed for each submission of each exam.

The BAC (continued) Submits testing frequency violations and other irregularities to the DAC and KDE through the KYOTE Online Irregularity Report Spreadsheet Discusses testing frequency violations and other reported irregularities with the DAC, exam scheduler and the proctor to insure that violations will not occur in the future

The DAC Provides oversight of KYOTE testing in the district Serves as liaison with the KDE regarding violations of KYOTE policies and procedures Ensures that all school personnel involved in KYOTE testing in the district receive training Provides Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Needs Students training

The KDE Accesses KYOTE exam results to include in the College and Career Readiness Rate (CCRR) Investigates allegations of inappropriate assessment practices, including those involving KYOTE Assists KYOTE developers with examining results Contacts DAC when inappropriate assessment practices are apparent

Questions Please contact Steve Newman Northern Kentucky University (859) Paul Eakin University of Kentucky (859)