Universal Design for Learning Removing the Barriers for All Students Linda Jones The Eighth Floor
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Agenda O What is UDL and why should we care? O Core Principles of UDL O “Resources for integrating UDL Principles
Universal Design for Learning O A relatively new initiative in education O Potential to impact learning O Implementation is in the early stages O Research data is emerging and growing.
What is UDL?
Removing the Barriers
Unpacking The Term O Universal
Unpacking The Term O Learning
Unpacking The Term O Design
GoalsMethods MaterialsAssessments
What is My Goal?
What are the Barriers?
3 Core Principles of UDL O Multiple Means of Representation O To increase recognition.
How can you represent information or curriculum? O Textbooks O Whiteboards O Podcasts O Video O Charts O Diagrams O Physical Objects
Core Principles of UDL O Multiple Means of Expression O To expand strategic output.
How do students show what they have learned?
What are the tools in your toolbox? O Drama O Graphic art O Oral presentation O Computers O Student Response Systems O Software O Shaving Cream O Dry erase O Stations O Raise a hand O Sticky Notes
Core Principles of UDL O Multiple Means of Engagement O To enhance involvement
How do you include student preferences and interests?
How to Engage? O ASK your students! O Interest Surveys, Observation, Choice O Utilize software programs at your fingertips O Utilize classroom materials and curriculum O More Resources….Digging Deeper O Center for Applied Special Technology Center for Applied Special Technology O CAST
Learning Profiles O Learning style (is the student a visual, auditory, tactile or kinesthetic learner) O Preferences for environmental (such as level of distraction, light, noise, physical proximity) O Grouping factors (small group, large group. or individual
Poll O To what extent do you feel that UDL principles & guidelines are being practiced now in your or your child’s classroom?
Getting Started O Start slowly O Organize your classroom space O Centers O Flexible Seating O Materials O Workstations O Technology Representation Expression Engagement
UDL vs. Differentiated Instruction UDL= All learners Differentiated Instruction =individual
UDL…Technology or no technology, that is the question? O The UDL framework does not require technology O The UDL framework cannot be truly attained without technology.
Technology By nature, provides tools to support functions to accomplish goals. UDL by nature, begins with goals. Cast, 2003
Technology supports Access. Technology Transforms O Allows manipulation and control of format O Offers alternatives for access – low to high O Supports multi-sensory instruction O Supports greater personal independence O Educational technology & assistive technology together – a continuum of supports
Poll O To what extent is technology being used in your or your child’s classroom to effectively support varied learning needs?
Exit Poll
More Resources O National Center on Universal Design for Learning O econdary econdary O Center for Applied Special Technology O O Learn- Lead-Grow O UDL Wheel