Trees Have they always been here?
Most of the trees on the Great Plains came here as a result of the Homestead Act.
Homestead Act of 1862 under Abraham Lincoln Inhabitant was given a freehold title for 160 acres of undeveloped federal land, west of the Mississippi River. 3 step: File Application Improve land File for deed *After 5 years and show improvement the land becomes the applicants property or possesion.
Significant Improvements Arable land-break up ground for purpose of farming. Although at the time it was considered an improvement. Not necissarily, WHY?? Fences to keep track of and control domesticated livestock. Prevents cattle bandits and thieves. Wells dug deep into the groundwater for the purpose of bringing water to the surface. Houses for the purpose of living in protection and spreading population. Trees for the purpose of protection and resources to make, fences, houses and furniture inside the house.
Types of Trees There are two specific types of trees on this planet. Some areas have more than one than the other but most areas have mixed forest with both types of trees.
Deciduous (hardwood) Have leaves Seasonal (leaves fall off in cold climate) Seed bearing Hardwood Rings are more noticeable
The annual rings of a tree are more noticeable in deciduous trees The annual rings of a tree are more noticeable in deciduous trees. The light area is when the tree sits dormant in the winter months and the darker rings are when the tree grows in the spring and summer. Count the rings and you have the age of the tree in years.
Hardwoods examples Walnut Oak Cottonwood Maple
The grain of the wood is the design that the wood makes The grain of the wood is the design that the wood makes. The lines that create the design can be highlighted with stain. There are two types of grains, open grained and closed grain.
Uses: Deciduous trees are used a lot in furniture construction, especially when the wood grain is shown
Coniferous (softwood) Have needles Evergreen (alive year around, grow less in cold months) Cone bearing seeds Softwood Rings are less noticeable
The rings of a softwood tree are not quite as visible but you can still clearly see the growth of the tree.
Conifers Cedar Fir Pine spruce
The grain of a coniferous tree is not as distinct as in hardwoods, but still can be highlighted with stain.
Coniferous trees are used more for paper products and timber Coniferous trees are used more for paper products and timber. It is used also in some furniture products for less expensive furniture. During colonial times pine was used a lot.
Exotic Woods Rosewood Purple Heart Zebrawood Ebony Wood Cherry Aromatic Red Cedar Burl Oak Birdseye Maple
A Redwood Tree is considered a conifer and is the biggest tree that grows. They are also called Sequoias. The Sequoia National Park is located in Central California in Kings Canyon.
General Sherman The largest tree ever measures was a Giant Sequoia in Sequoia National Park. It measured 275 feet high and 102 feet in circumference. The tree was estimated to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old.
Scenic People love the serenity and peaceful surrounding of a forest. Some of the biggest attractions for visitors in this country are at some of the national forests, such as the Black Hills, Sequoia National Park, Wisconsin Dells and Bighorn National Forest to just name a few.
The Heart of a Tree With branches reaching out as if for a embrace The tree may bow to nature with grace. He stands alone when the wind blows strong. The leaves may fall, but the tree stands tall.
Planting trees early in spring, we make a place for birds to sing in time to come. How do we know? They are singing here now. There is no other guarantee that singing will ever be.
Tree Majestic, tall, strong Powerful, life giving, aged Food, seeds hope
The End