Georgia O'Keeffe Question A the interview
“I decided I was a very stupid fool not to at least paint as I wanted to... I found that I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-- things I had no words for.”
O’keeffe in her early works painted abstracts using large scale and painting images such as flowers close up.O’keeffe in her early works painted abstracts using large scale and painting images such as flowers close up.
She focused on the colours and shapes within the objects she painted not on the idea of painting it as it isShe focused on the colours and shapes within the objects she painted not on the idea of painting it as it is
“Nothing is less real than realism”
O’keefe’s use of materials progressed over time. In her earliest works she used just charcoal and paper.
“I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.”
These charcoal works were first exhibited in 1916 at the avant-garde gallery of Alfred Stieglitz.
She then moved on to water colour paints …
and oil paints.
O’Keeffe’s Images were often of objects that she painted as if they were magnified or seen from an unusual angle such as her flower paintings.
“I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty.”
At the time (the early 1920’s) it was very unusual to see a female painter, especially one who painted using abstracts. This made the fame of O’Keeffe important to not only the art of abstract painting but to the idea of women as artists.
“It was in the 1920s, when nobody had time to reflect, that I saw a still-life painting with a flower that was perfectly exquisite, but so small you really could not appreciate it.”
She painted objects she found interesting such as in her work in New Mexico (first visited in 1929) in which she used skulls she found while exploring the area. She then placed images of fake flowers she also found lying around.
“I hate flowers - I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move.”
Georgia O'Keeffe… Paints abstracts focusing on colour and shapePaints abstracts focusing on colour and shape Uses a variety of materials over her life time (charcoal, water colour paints, oil paints.)Uses a variety of materials over her life time (charcoal, water colour paints, oil paints.) Paints still lives from unusual angles.Paints still lives from unusual angles. Uses objects available (skulls in New Mexico) and uses them as models for the still lives.Uses objects available (skulls in New Mexico) and uses them as models for the still lives.