Themes in Oedipus Rex A Musical Chairs Discussion
The Musical Chairs Discussion First, write your answers to the questions. You will have 5-10 minutes depending on the question. Second, get up and walk around until the music stops. Third, sit down fast when the music stops OR end up at the front of the room to share your answers to a question. A warning: “I don’t know” is NOT an acceptable answer—it will ensure that you end up at the front of the room for the next question.
Theme: Truth The catastrophe of Oedipus comes in learning his own identity. All that Oedipus learns is that he was ignorant; all his self- discovery is self-destruction. Is it always best to know the “truth?” Explain. Was Oedipus wrong to seek the “truth?” Explain.
Theme: Fate versus Free Will The ancient Greeks believed strongly in democracy and freedom, yet they also believed they were fated to live the lives the gods laid out for them. Is fate or free will the ultimate “winner” in Oedipus Rex? Which do you believe in personally?
Theme: Justice Oedipus, we decided, was not exactly the best of kings as he was a bit selfish and stuck-up, but he did save Thebes from the Sphinx and his own curse. Is there justice in a world, where, for no reason clear to understanding, the worst happens to good people? Was justice done in Oedipus Rex?
Theme: Taboos Freud named the Oedipus Complex after this play; he said all men want to marry their mother (and that all women want to marry their father), if not in the physical sense, then at least in likeness. Was Freud accurate in naming his complex after this play? Is Freud right?