Putting the Puzzle Together: Managing a Floating Collection
Presenters Ann Cress, Deputy Executive Director, Jefferson County Public Library Rhonda Glazier, Collections Manager, Jefferson County Public Library Linda Raymond, Materials Manager, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Agenda Introductions Floating Collections Conversion Process Break (around 10 AM) Collection Management Discussion/Questions Wrap-up
10 Libraries Population: 548,000 County size: 774 square miles Floating collection since 1994
Collection: 1.2 million items 2009 Circulation: 7 million 2009 Filled Holds: 1.6 million Materials budget: $3.7 million
850,000 residents 2 24 Library Locations Operating Budget $32.9 M Materials Budget $2.7 M 7,300,000 Circulation - up 7.6% 190,000 items added - down 8% 450 Staff 1.6 million volumes Linda Raymond Materials Manager at CML since 2003 Centralized Selection Outsource cataloging and processing with B&T Began Sharing all items 1/2007 Population size 850,000
Elements of a Floating Collection One collection Items float freely Material remains at the location where it is checked in Materials movement is generated by hold requests Patron-centered collection management system
Floating Collection Requirements Holds system Delivery system ILS partnership Good communication mechanisms
Issues And Challenges But what about…. How will I find…
Floating/Sharing ?
Benefits of Sharing One system Reduced delivery volume Increased volume of materials at all locations as a result of materials not being in transit on a delivery truck. Increased circulation Distribution of materials based on customer interests in certain locations. Time saving for staff who check in materials Time and budget savings for Collection Management Customers are minimally impacted
What we will NOT Share: Reference, Docs, NCR ML materials 5 years and older Carolina Author collection Crossroads Cafe, English Tutoring Program Browsing Magazines Circulating Encyclopedias Book Club Kits Storytimes to Go CKT print IMG Parent Teacher Collection
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FIRST DAY INSTRUCTIONS FOR OUR SHARED COLLECTION – January 2, 2008 Be sure you have logged Horizon off and on again before beginning. Remember starting today, it’s yours! Watch the screen when you check in an item, Horizon tells you if it needs to be sent somewhere. Because: There is no permanent owning branch unless it is on this list: What NOT to Share Reference, Government Documents, NCR, ML Stacks, Think College/Career Center ML materials 5 years and older Carolina Author collection World Language Center, Crossroads Cafe, English Tutoring Program FRL curriculum Browsing Magazines Circulating Encyclopedias Book Club Kits Storytimes to Go CKT print IMG scripts Professional Library Materials Adult Outreach / Group Services Youth Services Items belong to the system not your branch. Remember: You do not have to mark out the location. Check for condition before you put it on a cart. Weed if you would not want it in your home. Follow established weeding and mending procedures. When shelving always shift if needed to ensure some shelves are not over-crowded. ALL staff members are to be aware of what is in the stacks. Need more info? Check sent to all staff 12/26/07. Questions? Check intranet.plcmc.lib.nc.us/shared/ / or /
Sub-Teams for Best Practices
BranchHoldsReturns +/-CD'sShelvingNeeds +/-%CKOImpact BC OK BFR MEDIUM CA LOW COR OK D LOW FRL ?22OK HG LOW IB LOW IMG ?43LOW MH ?38OK ML ?14OK MOR MEDIUM MPK ?31LOW MS ?39LOW MTI OK NCO LOW PM ?37OK SC LOW SOR High ST MEDIUM SUG OK UC ?44LOW WBL OK Redistribution Spreadsheet
Lessons Learned
Articulate Advantages of Maintaining the Collection Facilitates optimal use of the collection Positively impacts library funding
Create Ownership Make all staff responsible for the collection Encourage staff to identify gaps in the collection Change the discussion
Selection Changes Policies and guidelines need to reflect a floating collection Copies bought to meet demand, location irrelevant
Selection Changes Budget needs to reflect a floating collection How the money is allocated may change Who is responsible for a budget line may change
Traditional vs. Floating Collection Selection
Weeding is Essential Find the best weeding strategy for your library
Know Your Weeding Philosophy Weeding consistent with service objectives Collection weeded in a timely manner
Be Aware of Road Blocks Belief that one method is better than another Lack of guidelines for what, how and when Lack of training
What Will Work For You? ILS reports 2-year no circ reports Circulated over “x” number of times Customized reports
More Ideas! More customizable/useable reports Ratio of circulation to number of copies reports Distribution reports – to enable staff to move materials to other libraries or weed Weeding guidelines inserted at time of order Weeding location for bestsellers
Traditional vs. Floating Collection Weeding Number of copies dependent on entire system – not dependent on location
Weeding Strategies Pull lists
How Pull Lists Work Once a week a list of all items with a pull code is sent to each location Staff in the libraries pull items on the list from the collection Front line staff have the authority to override a pull code Materials are stamped weeded and boxed for the book sale
Using Weeding Lists
Disadvantages of a Weeding List Time Staff intensive System wide approach – doesn’t respond to individual location’s collection
Weeding Teams Teams that travel between the different branches – and do the weeding instead of regular staff in that branch
Weeding Teams…..
Advantage of Weeding Teams
Disadvantage of Weeding Teams May cause localized weeding Not all locations can be weeded at the same time
CONTACT INFORMATION Ann Cress Deputy Executive Director Jefferson County Public Library Linda Raymond Materials Management Manager Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Rhonda Glazier Collections Manager Jefferson County Public Library
Communication is Key Transition of staff was longer than initially thought Three stages of transition Buy-in at the beginning, tweaking processes and procedures, ongoing maintenance needs Staff need to be able to articulate the advantages Staff need to stay connected to the collection Maintaining ownership key to collection maintenance Advantages need to be articulated to your library board and community
Moving Forward Articulate the patron benefits & business reasons to…EVERYONE Recognize that this is a major transition and plan accordingly. Acknowledge the myths and address them head on. Involve staff leaders/influencers in the planning COMMUNICATE