Workshop for ESCOs and Energy Consultants RETScreen Training 22 Jan 2013 Luis Hinojosa
Your Intructors Luis Hinojosa Mechanical Engineer, MSc in Building Services Engineering, CEM (AEE), CMVP (EVO-AEE), CRU, MASHRAE, MCIBSE
What about yourselves? Please introduce yourselves… Please tell us what you expect from this training
Agenda - RETScreen Training Morning Session: 14:30 to 16:30 Unit 1: Energy Efficiency (2 hours) General concepts and examples. Coffee Break: 11:00 – 11:15 Unit 2: Solar Energy (2 hours) General concepts and examples. Lunch: 13:15 to 14:30 Afternoon Session: 14:30 to 16:30 Unit 3: Cogeneration and others (2 hours) General concepts and examples.
RETScreen Training Introduction to RETSCreen Energy Efficiency Solar Energy Cogeneration Retscreen limitations
Introduction to RETSCreen
Method 1Method 2 1 Step5 Steps
Introduction to RETSCreen When going from Method 1 to Method 2: Data can be lost Some errors may occur Be careful
RETScreen Training Introduction to RETSCreen Energy Efficiency Solar Energy Cogeneration Retscreen limitations
Energy Efficiency
Fuels & schedules
Energy Efficiency Facility characteristics
Energy Efficiency Summary
Energy Efficiency Emission & Financial Analysis
Energy Efficiency Emission & Financial Analysis
Energy Efficiency Case Study 1: Lighting & A/C Example Case Study 2: Audit Report for Bailey Terrelonge Allen Kingston’s Office Case Study 3: Motors, Pumps and Fans
RETScreen Training Introduction to RETSCreen Energy Efficiency Solar Energy Cogeneration Retscreen limitations
Solar Energy - PV
Solar Energy Case Study 4: PV Example Case Study 5: Audit Report for Ruthven Medical Centre
Solar Energy - Thermal
Case Study 6: Solar Thermal for Sunrise Club Hotel
RETScreen Training Introduction to RETSCreen Energy Efficiency Solar Energy Cogeneration Retscreen limitations
Case Study 7: Cogeneration System in Chiloe - Chile
RETScreen Training Introduction to RETSCreen Energy Efficiency Solar Energy Cogeneration Retscreen limitations
Retscreen limitations It is pre-feasibility tool Basic energy models Limited level of accuracy It is not a simulation tool Use monthly data, for example for the climate It requires Excel and Windows
Retscreen limitations Building Model Simple model Does not include latent heat for refrigeration charges It does not allow simultaneous heating and cooling loads The user specifies the temperature for changing between cooling and heating It is not possible to enter the thermal mass of a building Sensible/latent heat gains can not be entered It is not possible to specify which part of the day the building is ocuppied
Retscreen limitations Peak Power Demand and Power Factor Model does not calculate reduction en peak power demands The user can estimate them and include the savings within the financial analysis. The power factor savings are not calculated The user can estimate them and include the savings within the financial analysis.
Retscreen limitations Some Black Box models The EE models are not well documented yet There are excellent books for cogeneration and renewable energy projects. Some parameters and hypothesis taken by the software are not visible for the user For example, how the EE measures affects the cooling and heating loads (crossed effects).
Retscreen limitations Databases of products At present, the tool offers an excellent product and equipment database for RE projects. In the case of EE, the databases are limited Lighting, compressed air, motors, heat recovery, etc.