urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop Urban Bike Project of Wilmington 1908 North Market Street
Our mission is to serve the community's needs by educating and promoting cycling as a safe, practical, cost-efficient mode of transportation. Our facility provides a means for the public to become more self-sufficient both in bicycle maintenance and transportation. Mission “Learn by doing” is our philosophy. UBP staff and volunteers teach youth and adults about bicycle repair. urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
UBP History David and Brian salvage “trash” bicycles and help neighborhood youth with repairs at their Trinity Vicinity apartment. Requests for assistance with derailed chains, flat tires, broken pedals and non-working brakes are a daily occurrence. urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Now located in the 9 th Ward, daily requests for repairs continue from neighborhood children. Family and friends start to donate unused bicycles. UBP is officially incorporated in October of 2006 operating out of Brian’s house. UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
After a long search our current location at 1908 North Market Street is secured with the help of Greater Brandywine Village Revitalization. The move is made to the new facility. Parts, tools and over 100 bikes are moved with the help of volunteers and a delivery truck loaned by Parcels. Paperwork is filed to obtain 501(c)3 status. UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Bread for the Journey donates seed money to cover our insurance costs Shop officially opens in March 2008 White Clay Bicycle Club donates a professional bike repair stand and shop quality tools UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Growing pains. The shop is very very busy. Demand for low-cost bicycles and repair help is high. Free Bike Program is started. Referral based, no- cost transportation. Lights, locks and fenders provided. UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop Difficulty securing reliable volunteer assistance, turnover is high.
Laura Saperstein is hired to assist with volunteer recruitment and organization. UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Laura finds employment in Dover. Saturday hours are dropped from public open shop due to difficulty securing adequate volunteer staffing. Tuesday night is added and quickly becomes just as busy as Thursday. Corry begins Saturday kid’s camp and Earn-A-Bike program at the shop. UBP History urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Board development continues. Earn-A-Bike program in 3 schools – spring Search for a new location. UBP History – 2013 and beyond.... urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
What we do The Urban Bike Project is a community bike shop with a focus on education. Open shop hours are Thursday 6:30-9:00pm and Saturday 1:00-4:00pm urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
What we do Free bike program Classes urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
How We Are Funded Sales of used bikes and bike parts Open shop donations Grants and other funding (less than 10%) urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Social Contribution Teaching self-reliance urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Social Contribution Diverse social interaction urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Social Contribution Making resources equally available to everyone urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Social Contribution Offering an alternative to the disposable society urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop
Social Contribution Offering an alternative to the disposable society urban bike project of wilmington, inc a 501(c)3 community bike shop