University of Surrey Issues in Politics Today What is Citizenship?
Outline Origins of Citizenship Participation in Public Affairs Identity – Inclusion/Exclusion What rights does a citizen have Global Citizenship
Citizenship Concerned with membership of a political community Relationship between individuals and a political community and between individuals Rights & Responsibilities – but which rights and which responsibilities?
Classical Origins of Citizenship Originates in Ancient Greece – circa BC Participation in the affairs of government Roman conception – came to be more about legal status – way if integrating conquered peoples into the Empire
Classical Origins of Citizenship II Classical models raise 3 elements of citizenship which continue to be debated 1. Participation in public affairs 2. Inclusion/Exclusion – who is a citizen? 3. Rights – but which rights?
1. Participation in public affairs Can take many forms – voting to jury duty Concern about falling participation in many western democracies In the UK – led to citizenship education classes To be active participatory citizens – need to be informed about - the balance between rights & responsibilities - the value of participation in the community - the opportunities to participate
2. Identity – Inclusion/Exclusion How to include people from diverse backgrounds Equal rights for all? But do they accommodate cultural difference, or suppress it? Multicultural rights – different rights to take account of and celebrate our difference? But common citizenship?
3. What rights does a citizen have? Civil rights (civil liberties) Political rights (to participate in process of government) Social rights? Some argue social rights are necessary for other rights to be enjoyed Others argue we have obligation to provide for our own welfare & that social rights make us passive, not active citizens
Global Citizenship Citizenship at the national level But what about Global Citizenship Universal human rights – UN Declaration of Human Rights (1948) – rights no matter where you live Global responsibilities – the environment People participate & campaign on global issues (e.g. poverty in Africa) Global citizenship lacks formal status – but has rights, responsibilities & participation