General Meeting 1/28/09
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! WELCOME BACK! Sign In T-SHIRTS are in. Collect them at the end of the meeting. DUES! If you haven’t paid yet, $20 dollars includes t-shirt $12 dollars w/out t-shirt
Major Events This Spring E-Week through SEC – All the engineering organizations compete against one another. COME SUPPORT BMES! Explore UT- Biggest Open House in Texas. Alumni Day- invite past BME students to join us and share their experiences. End of The Year Banquet- member with most points wins an award; new officers introduced.
BMES Ballers- IM Basketball Thursdays Talk to Laura Puckett or Bring $3 if you plan to play. Coed C-League. Made the playoffs in the past two years. Need to have played at least one game during regular season to be on the playoff team.
ABET ABET, Inc., the recognized accreditor for college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology, is a federation of 29 professional and technical societies representing these fields. Among the most respected accreditation organizations in the U.S., ABET has provided leadership and quality assurance in higher education for over 75 years. ABET currently accredits some 2,800 programs at more than 600 colleges and universities nationwide.
Meeting Dates* 1/28- First General Meeting of the Spring 2/11- ECAC representative to talk about the great resources they offer. 2/25 - FDA related speaker 3/11 - ABET 3/25 – Public Health path for BMEs (maybe joint with BMEp) 4/8 - New Officer Elections 4/22 - End of the Year Banquet * tentative topics; Might change so be on the lookout for s.
Review T-Shirts! Sign In Sign up for IM Basketball Pay Dues! NEXT MEETING: February 11 th 2009! (look out for ) THE END!