Mobilizing Newcomers and Immigrants to Cancer Screening Programs funded by Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
Welcome Volunteer Training Session
Project Goal Develop, deliver and evaluate evidence-based cancer prevention and screening service delivery model Target to newcomer and immigrant under/never screened populations in London, Ontario Disseminate across Canada
Target population Immigrant communities ArabicSpanishIraqiNepalese Health Providers Middlesex London Health Unit PCP, Nurse practitioners and PCP office staff OBSPLRCP
How it would be done Evidence based model Target Communities
Evidence based model Target Communities How it would be done
Ontario Breast Cancer Screening Program (OBSP) 20 years Organized screening program The OBSP provides high- quality breast cancer screening for women aged 50 to 74 years Breast cancer screening is free-of-charge for women in Ontario
Ontario Breast Cancer Screening Program (OBSP) Women age 50 – 74 years No changes in breast health No personal history of breast cancer No current breast implants Ontario resident more than 6 months
Ontario Breast Cancer Screening Program (OBSP) A referral is not needed from a doctor You can call and book your own appointment No cost Result letter is mailed to your home Reminder letter to return every 2 years
Ontario Cervical Screening Program The Ontario Cervical Screening Program is an organized, population-based screening program with the goal of reducing cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Supports family physicians and nurse practitioners so they can provide the best possible cervical screening for their patients
Women age 21 – 70 Who have been sexually active Every three years Ontario Cervical Screening Program
The ColonCancerCheck program is the first province-wide, organized screening program designed to raise screening rates and reduce deaths from colorectal cancer. ColonCancerCheck FOBT kits are available through primary care providers. Individuals without a primary care provider can obtain a kit from a pharmacist or by calling Telehealth Ontario. Colorectal Cancer Screening Program ColonCancerCheck
Average Risk, 50 – 74 yrs Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) Increased Risk Colonoscopy What are The Tests for Colorectal Cancer?
Checks for small amount of blood in stool Men and women age 50 and older No family history of colorectal cancer No symptoms or other health conditions Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
Every 2 years Done at home No cost Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
6 workshops (2 Spanish, 2 Arabic and 2 Nepalese speaking Buthanese communities) 3 Cancer Prevention Breast and cervical cancer screening programs 3 Cancer Prevention Colorectal cancer screening program Implementation Phase
Their language No cost Childcare provided Refreshment provided Workshops
Agenda Healthy Living – Cancer Prevention and Screening TimeItemResources Required 15 minutes Registration obtain name and contact Information Volunteer in the target language 10 minutes Welcome Introduction Target Language by PHE 40 minutes Breast/Cervical Screening Colorectal Screening Target Language Presentation by PHE 5 minutes Video of Personal Experience 15 min Questions and Answers 10 min Break 30 minutes Cancer Prevention Healthy Eating Physical Activity No Smoking Limit Alcohol Cancer screening Know your body Target Language Presentation by PHE 20 minutes Appointments for Pap Test and Mammogram PHE/Volunteers and participants 10 minutes Complete Evaluation formParticipants
EDUCATION WORKSHOP COMPONENT VOLUNTEER RESPONSIBILITY NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Registration Register participant from Give the informed consent Give the folder and a bag (3) Runner Help participants to fill the forms Make sure all informed consents are signed Collecting all forms (3) Welcoming Let participants know about the refreshments, food, childcare and invite to have a seat (2) Post-Evaluation Give post-evaluation form All forms fill Collect the forms (3) Book your appointment Fill the form(2) Table with information material about cancer and cancer screening CCS(1) Table with information material about nutrition Nutrition(1)
Thank you