Level 5 in Flanders and The current situation & expectations Patrick Mariën AG Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerp Partnership AP Antwerp
Content Flemish qualification framework level 5 The HBO5 trainings in Flanders Expectations for
Flemish qualification framework (VKS) The VKS has 8 levels of which level 5 is the first of the higher education levels. Level 5 Higher Education VKS: → professional leg → educational leg 5
Professional qualification level 5 A set of competences required for professional functioning on a level 5 formulated by the economic sectors and validated by the Flemish Government (n=17 on 31/01/2014) – Competences: Knowledge →specific for a domain, to be extended and supplemented Skills → build-in cognitive & motor skills → problem-solving skills – Context To act in new & complex situations – Autonomy To take initiative on a medium level – Responsibility To achieve personal results & to stimulate collective results
Educational Qualification level 5 A set of competences required for functioning in society and participating in the professional and educational fields based upon professional qualifications level 5 and validated by the Flemish Government (n=2 on ) Higher education / 90 or 120 ECTS Starting point for a HBO5 training which gives a graduate degree = level 5 degree = associate degree
Educational Qualification level 5 Professional Qualification level 5 Educational Qualification 5 Professional Qualification level 5 Professional Qualification 5 Professional Qualification level 5 Content relation EQ 5 90 or 120 ECTS Graduate degree HBO5 training
HBO 5 trainings: past, present & future The existing HBO5 trainings (n=58) are older trainings labeled by the Flemisch government level 5, who are in fact level 6 trainings with a shorter curriculum → they will disappear from 2017 on The new HBO5 trainings (n=0) based on the VKS will be launched from 2015 on The present = in transition
The new HBO 5 trainings: two main targets 1.Employment of the students: a job which requires professional functioning on level 5 2.A further educational career for the students: a auxiliary program towards level 6 is compulsory to every new HBO5 training validated by Flemish government
Creating a new HBO5 training : steps 1.A shared education profile based upon the competences of the educational qualification 5 → set of learning outcomes on level 5 2.A program (90 or 120 ECTS) = aims, contents and methods description with work based learning of the training modules 3.A quality check on the program performed by the accreditation organization →NVAO 4.A decision by the Flemish Government to launch the training at the applying partnerships
Organization of the HBO5 trainings in Flanders 1.Partnership between adult education center(s) & a college of applied sciences = compulsory ( ) 2.Financed by the Flemish government 3.With a fair amount of work based learning 4.Aligned with target groups for training variations ( generation students, distant learning groups, jobseekers or working students)
Expectations for On the micro level – To obtain good practices from EU on Target groups and their specific training needs Distant learning on level 5 Work based learning in different economic sectors – To create skills alliances on level 5 = content validity for the level 5 training – To create an international perspective on level 5 content for validating the national programs
Expectations On the meso level – To create a learning platform for professionals on level 5 – To create a think tank for level 5-issues to incorporate into policy
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