Biogenic Sulfate in the Arctic and its Contribution to Aerosol Growth and IN Activation A.L. Norman NETCARE Meeting Nov. 19, 2013 Atmospheric & Environmental Physics The University of Calgary
Atmospheric & Environmental Physics Group A.L. Norman O. Rempillo (PDF) M. A. Seguin (PDF) N. Pak (MSc) C. Teng (BSc) J. Roberts (BSc) & R. Ghahremaninenez- hadgeharelar (PhD) M. Alam (PhD) V. Wasiuta (PhD) P.S. Stainton (MSc)
Sulfur Isotope Apportionment aerosols - largest uncertainty in climate prediction clouds & precipitation - link weather & climate Research Questions: biogenic sulfate: -what role does it play in aerosol growth? -is it important to IN activation? BIOGENIC ANTHROPOGENIC SEA SALT
DMS Methane Sulfonic Acid SO 4 2- New Aerosol Addition Abstraction SO 2 Low Albedo Clouds High Albedo Clouds Aerosol Growth
DMS Methane Sulfonic Acid SO 4 2- New Aerosol Addition Abstraction SO 2 Cascade Impactor High Volume Sampler Aerosol Growth DMS Sampler
34 S (‰) = [( 34 S/ 32 S) x / ( 34 S/ 32 S) VCDT - 1] ISOTOPE SOURCE APPORTIONMENT Sea Salt Sulfate DMS Volcanic Degassing Methanesulfonic Acid (MSA) Anthropogenic S Aerosol S Isotope Variations in the Arctic 34 S (% o ) Smoking Hills
34 S ( ‰ )
Alert Aerosols: Winter (JFM) non sea salt 34 S
Trends in Anthropogenic & Biogenic Sulfate at Alert Year Satellite Observations
Effective Ice Radius ( m) Antrhropogenic Sulphate (ng/m 3 ) Cloud Fraction Increases when anthropogenic sulphate is lower More deposition at high concentration? Effective Ice Radius Increases as anthro- pogenic sulphate Increases Consistent with Growth of ice nuclei Spring & Summer
NSS sulphate contributes to growth but does biogenic sulphate ACTIVATE ice nuclei?
Objectives for Netcare Understand the decoupling of MSA and biogenic sulfate aerosols in late May early June using size segregated aerosol sampling. Use isotope apportionment to quantify anthropogenic, biogenic and sea salt sulfate in precipitation and ice fog. These data will inform models of aerosol growth
Questions? Photo: V. Wasiuta
MODIS Satellite Data: Go-Cart Sulphate Optical Depth >70 o N
… but decreases with cloud fraction In summer (maybe) Biogenic Sulphate increases with cloud fraction in spring Contributes to CCN? In 2001 when the proportion of biogenic sulphate is maximum