The State of Power in a Maoist State Nepal’s Micro-Hydro development
Nepal Energy Stats 45,000MW economically feasible hydro potential 640MW current generation –Actual 320MW due to operation problems Demand 720MW > blackout 16 hours/day –Business standstill –Liquid political period > Interim Plan for –Become a model of sustainability Interim Plan and MDGs –Reach 55% electrification by 2011 –Transmission difficult/costly to remote areas –1/3 rd generation must be off grid
What’s Happening? Microhydro <100KW Exquisite example of modern/ancient engineering Potential anywhere there is plentiful water and hills Utilise kinetic energy of water falling from a height (head) Power = efficiency x fluid density x gravity x head x volume flow rate P(W) = η(~0.5)ρ(1000)g(9.81)hQ Medium to high head > 15m Low environmental impact, often positive –No need for large dams Sustainable and locally sourced materials Reliable and low maintenance
Microhydro solution Output: 100KW Village: Wamitaksar District: Gulmi
Microhydro components
Forebay Penstock Powerhouse Spillway Canal Weir Tailrace
Microhydro components Powerhouse Spillway Canal Weir Forebay Tailrace Penstock
Management Central>District>Village development Government of Nepal Alternative Energy Promotion Centre AEPC Energy Sector Assistance Programme ESAP Rural Economic Development Agency REDA Rural Energy Development Project REDP Community Contractor Consultant ManufacturerInstaller
Installation Stats 10MW supporting 100,000 homes –Agriprocessing Huller/grinder/press –Lighting Education –Manufacturing Saw mills/sewing machines –Pumping Irrigation Clean water –Entertainment Radio/internet ~ £1000/KW installed –~50% grant from government –Rest from bank/developer/local tariff 2 year project cycle Locally sourced materials Civil works by community –Ownership
Benefits Education New business Time management Community cohesion Farming efficiency Health improvements Social Economic Environmental Triple Bottom Line
Observed Issues Sweat Labour Health and Safety
Achievable Improvements Site/construction monitoring –Working hours –Labour w/age Safety Equipment –Dust masks –Eye protection –Gloves –Steel toecaps Maintenance monitoring
Conclusions Micro hydro has great potential to improve living conditions Need to address working conditions Input from UK engineers –Cultural exchange –Knowledge sharing Nepal contact – Lila Kharki Jeevan Kunwar