Point Of Use Implant Recording The Canberra Hospital Adrian Scott Supply Manager ACT Health
Supply Services Supply Services provides a complete supply chain solution for all of ACT Health, including major private operators within the ACT. Purchasing, warehousing and distribution to point of use, using the Purchasing and Inventory Control Systems, PICS. Utilising best practice supply chain processes, including on-line requisitioning, bar-coded imprest replenishment and web ordering.
The Canberra Hospital An acute care teaching hospital of 500 beds. A referral centre providing specialist services to people of the ACT and south-east region of NSW. Largest public hospital in the region, supporting a population of almost 500,000. Implant spend $6M / Year
Why Make the process more efficient To meet regulatory requirements Improve management reporting Provide relevant information to suppliers Close the revenue loop
What Procedure Date Dr’s Name Patient UR No. Supplier Catalogue / Part No. Supplier Batch / Lot No.
How - Phase One - PICS
How - Phase One - Manual
How - Phase Two - Electronic Hardware Symbol PPT 8800$ 2,500 Software Pocket PC Creations- 5 user$ 500 Translation HIBCC UPN repository$3,500
How - Phase Two - PPCC
How - Phase Two PPCC, PICS, UPN Translations Active Sync HTML file created and loaded into PICS Barcode data translated using UPN repository Data loaded into PICS table
PO Sample
PICS Implant Data Table
PICS Implant Data Analysis 1
PICS Implant Data Analysis 2
PICS Implant Data Analysis 3
PICS Implant Data Analysis 4
What Next Full integration into patient and revenue management systems. Send purchasing data, including batch / lot number, doctor’s name, patient UR etc electronically to suppliers in agreed standard format. Convince more suppliers and hospitals to participate.
Questions? Contact Details Adrian Scott Supply Manager ACT Health Phone (02) Mobile Partner Details HIBCC Pocket PC Creations Ayr Data Systems