Meditation Class 3 (Back to list of classes)
If there is an instructor teaching the class, you might like to review by quickly re-running last week’s slide show and/or discussing any questions that might have come up during the week.
If you are alone, and have some questions, you might like to us your questions so that together we may find the answers. questions
Further discussion of Meditation: Meditation is a process whereby we can come to know ourselves (to know self is to know God).
In Sanskrit the word for meditation is “sadhana,” which means “Struggle.” So it is a process of struggling to know the self, the relationship of the self with the universe, and overcoming those forces which are in our way toward the goal to be(come) Divine.
We can look at our patterns, our bad habits, and break them.
Quietness is to become observant of the external world, so to see its plays and faults with an objective mind. It helps the aspirant to be more able to achieve the truth about Maya (illusion of the external world).
We can be aware to the end of decisions. (Go through a situation in your meditation, and see the end result and how your actions affect you and others, before making a decision.)
We can face our fears and indecision.
Deeds become more evident to us, as we shine light in dark.
Meditation can illuminate your consciousness, if you can realize God’s guiding Hand, His Grace.
It can help form a vision, or an ideal (where there is no vision, man will perish.)
Factors that may help the meditation process:
a. Right Ideation
Meditation alone, without having a worthy ideal to work for, will not only be unhelpful but will actually be harmful in the long run, because the energy and power obtained by meditation will be directed toward false egoistical gain and will create bad samskaras (sins) which will throw the person further into ignorance (illusion).
In this regard, the Words of God are most helpful.
b. Diet c. Cleanliness d. Right environment e. Not immediately after eating. f. Constancy g. The Sabbath h. Seven factors to promote well being:
1. Fresh air 2. Pure water 3. Good food 4. Innercise and exercise 5. Sunshine 6. Rest 7. Concentration and the use of the power of the mind.
Silence, fasting, a good environment, purification, a healthy body, etc, all help in having a strong calm mind.
Meditation no, no’s:
1. Meditation is not escapism, but an all-out and in struggle to overcome all kinds of evil (tamasic) influences.
2. We do not use meditation to build a false ego (an “I am better than you” mentality).
3. Meditation should never be used to escape responsibility.
4. Or escape inter-personal relationships with others.
5. Meditation should not be used to practice separatism.
6. To have experiences or gain powers (siddhis) is not the goal of meditation, the goal is to “…be(come) Divine.” If experiences come, that is OK, but you progress even with a struggling meditation.
Again, “sadhana” means “struggle.” If you had an experience, that is your experience.
There are stories told by Gurus in India to bring home the point that meditation is not to gain powers, etc.
Many such stories can be found on our website. Go to the literature section, and then to the Discourses (Satsangs). literature sectionliterature section
Using special words of power (mantras) will help to activate the chakras (psychic centers) and bring energies from the lower chakras to the higher ones.
Wouldn’t it be nice to expand this result to our whole day?
Are there any questions? Again, if you have an instructor, ask him/her. If not, your questions to:
Do you remember the Universal Mantra and Meditation Processes?
If you do, then begin your mantra meditation. If you need to be refreshed, bring up Class 2 and go through the process using the slides in that Class. To Class 4