Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement Quest for the Homeland
Reies Lopez Tijerina Major New Mexican land grant activist Traced land loss to violations of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Affirmed Indo-Hispano/Chicano land rights Affirmed rights to cultural integrity through land base
Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzalez Chicano activist that founded the Crusade for Justice Principal organizer of the National Chicano Youth Conference, March, 1969, in Denver Supported alternative institutions for Chicanos One of the principal organizers of La Raza Unida Party Established La Escuela Tlatelolco, a bilingual, bicultural alternative school for Chicano children Supporter of concept of Aztlan
National Chicano Youth Conference Organized for March, 1969, Denver, Colo National gathering of Chicano activists El Plan de Aztlan drafted: 15 point program to create alternative institutions, schools, political party, institutions and cultural affirmation La Raza Unida proposed
Alurista Alberto Baltazar Urista Chicano poet that rediscovered the notion of Aztlan Aztlan as the link to the indigenous past Aztlan as the mythical Chicano homeland Our ancestral lands: the Chicano place
The Chicano Moratorium August 29, 1970 Largest minority anti-Viet Nam war protest in the United States Attended by up to 50,000 protesters in E.L.A. Chicanos question the rationale for war, high fatality rates for Latinos, draft deferments, lack of educational opportunities Considered the apex of the Chicano Movement Laguna Park rally—deteriorates into a police riot
Ruben Salazar Reporter for The Los Angeles Times News director of KMEX-TV Preparing an expose on law enforcement in Los Angeles Killed at the Silver Dollar Café by a tear-gas projectile His death aroused instant suspicion of a conspiracy to silence Salazar