RATIONALE SAWEN is a National networking organization of South African women entrepreneurs,with its head-quarters located in Gauteng. It is a non-profit making organization funded by the dti and championed by the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry
RATIONALE Its constituency is aspiring and already existing women entrepreneurs from Urban, Suburban and Rural areas from all 9 provinces of SA. Structural representation includes the AGM, appointment of the Board of Directors, who then appoint the National Secretariat responsible for the management and implementation of programmes (which is now the dti).
VISION To represent and articulate the aspirations of all women entrepreneurs(existing and potential) that operate within the South African SMME sector
MISSION To facilitate and monitor the socio-economic advancement of women entrepreneurs and their positive impact on the country’s economy’ BUSINESS VALUES Gender Equity Co-operation and Partnership Social conscience IntegrityExcellence
OBJECTIVES To be a national vehicle that brings women together and address their challenges; Lobbying and Advocating for a conducive policy environment that will enable the the establishment, growth and sustainability of their enterprises; Alignment and leveraging of relationships with similar organizations both national and international
Cont’d Facilitate access to business resources, information and opportunities for SA women To promote effective global participation of women in the economy To profile and affirm women in business leadership positions both in public and private sector
TARGET MARKET Women owning and or managing small to medium registered enterprises Women aspiring to own and manage small to medium size enterprises Special attention is given to reach rural based SMME’s MEMBERSHIP Acquired through an affiliation fee Mainly represented through provinces
SERVICES Networking forums at provincial, national, regional and international business organizations Lobbying and advocating, enabling and supportive policies as well as legislation Entrepreneurial Management Training and advice Mentoring and coaching programmes. Financial Advice. Facilitate access to key decision makers
Report CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Revised and finalized the official documents for SAWEN : Constitution Appointed an interim board of Directors National Business Plan Organization Publications (Brochure, Register Application forms, Posters, Banners and newsletter). SAWEN Registered as a sec 21 Company Article of Association. Established provincial chapters MOU with Khula
ReportOPERATIONS Secured an operational budget from the dti, which was used for programmes as well Secured office the dti for head office, whilst utilizing the GWE Unit ’ s capacity and resources Established provincial offices in some of the provinces Recruited more than 1000 members owning small to medium enterprises country wide
Events In order to increase the contribution of small enterprises to economy, and Increasing market access opportunities for and exports of South African goods and services in total and in specific priority sectors SAWEN and the dti hosted SA & UK Workshop in 2 Provinces Gauteng & KZN 5 th July The Glenhove Conference Centre, JHB 5 th July The Glenhove Conference Centre, JHB 7 th July The Royal Hotel, Durban, KZN
Events SAWEN & JSE Seminar on the 16 th September 2004 Hilton Hotel, Durban KZN SAWEN the dti BEE Conference “ Is the Balance Score Card Balancing ” A review of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) with regards to Women ’ s Economic Empowerment (WEE) on the 23 rd September 2004 The Castle Kyalami, JHB SAWEN, the dti & Women ’ s Enterprising magazine Launch 29 th September The castle Kyalami, JHB
Events 2 – Day Legislative Overview Workshop on the 30 th Sept 2004 – 1 st Oct The dti Group Campus Workshop identified and emphasizes the importance of supporting and strengthening South African business women ’ s structures. National Committee for Business Women ’ s Organization (NCBWO) was then formed based on women ’ s structures e.g. SAWIMA, SAWIC SAWEN,WICT etc.
Events SAWEN Annual Conference & AGM Open Day Registration & call for Nominations of Board of Directors. 1 November 2004 to date
OTHER PROJECTS World Rural Women ’ s Day Rewarding Excellence in Women Entrepreneurship
HIGHLIGHTS Secured operational budget from DTI Established provincial Chapters in all provinces with support from regional governments Established partnerships with the JSE Securities Exchange, Africa Development Facility Project (APDF), the Black Management Forum (BMF), ABSA etc Recruited more than 2000 potential members owning small to medium enterprises country wide,
HIGHLIGHTS Registering SAWEN as section 21 company Organized international educational and empowerment trade mission; Ensured a gender sensitive BEE strategy Facilitated business linkages between SA women and those from SWEDEN and the United Kingdom; Facilitated business linkages amongst SA women entrepreneurs and sectors Exposed more women to various local and international business forum
Self Sustaining measures include: Donor Funds, Membership Fee, Programme Fee and Event Training Fee. Donor Funds, Membership Fee, Programme Fee and Event Training Fee. Strategic Partnerships with Government and Private Sector. Strategic Partnerships with Government and Private Sector. Parastatals through joint implementation of projects e.g.TWIB,UMSOBOMVU etc. Parastatals through joint implementation of projects e.g.TWIB,UMSOBOMVU etc. Private sector partnership mainly through joint implementation of programmes. Private sector partnership mainly through joint implementation of programmes. Provincial Partnerships with Government and SEC 21 companies. Provincial Partnerships with Government and SEC 21 companies.