NAJRAN UNIVERSITY College of Medicine NAJRAN UNIVERSITY College of Medicine Microbiology &Immunology Course Lecture No. 1 Microbiology &Immunology Course Lecture No. 1 By Dr. Ahmed Morad Asaad Professor of Microbiology Dr. Ahmed Morad Asaad Professor of Microbiology
Course specification Najran UniversityInstitution College of Medicine/Microbiology department College/Department A.Course identification and general information General Microbiology & Immunology (MIC-4 244) Course title and code 5(4+1) for 12 weeksCredit hours
Bachelor of MedicineProgram Dr Ahmed Morad Asaad (Coordinator) Dr Ahmed Morad Asaad (Theoretical) Dr Moawia Albadri (Practical) Faculty member responsible for the course 4 th level/2 nd yearLevel/year --Pre-requisites --Co-requisites Main CampusLocation
General objectives: By the end of this course, the students will be able to: 1- Understand the structure, physiology, metabolism and genetics of medically important bacteria, viruses and fungi. 2- Acquire the basic skills of microbiological laboratory standard techniques for diagnosis of microbial infections. 3- Develop an understanding of sterilization, disinfection, antiseptics and antimicrobial chemotherapy. 4- Define the different parasitology terms and differentiate between the followings: ectoparasites versus endoparasites, definitive hosts versus intermediate hosts, facultative parasites versus obligate parasites, and mechanical vectors versus biological vectors.
5- Classify medically-important parasitic infections as a protozoal or helminth disease. 6- Differentiate between human infection and human disease. 7- Understand the basic components of the immune system including innate and acquired immune response. 8- Gain knowledge about humoral and cell-mediated immunity. 9- Understand the mechanisms of protective immunity against microbial infections focusing on the antigens, antibodies, complement, cells and their receptors, cytokines and other molecules involved in the immune response. 10- Realize and utilize the immunological methods for laboratory diagnosis of human diseases.
Credit hoursList of topics 1 History of microbiology 2 Bacterial structure 2 Bacterial physiology and metabolism 3 Bacterial genetics 2 Antimicrobial agents 2 Host parasite relationship 1 Antigens and immunogens 1 Innate immunity 2 Acquired immunity & cells of the immune response
2 Cell mediated immunity 2 Cytokines 1 Major histocompatibility complex 1 Humoral immunity 2 Complement system 1 Protective immunity to microbes 1 Immunoprophylaxis 2 Hypersensitivity reactions 2 General properties of viruses 2 Bacteriophages 1 Pathogenesis of viral infections 1 Laboratory methods for diagnosis of viral infections
1 Antiviral drugs 1 General properties of fungi 1 Antifungal drugs 1 Introduction to medical parasitology 1 Classification of medically important parasitic infections 1 Immunity to parasitic infections 1 Antiparasitic drugs 1 Laboratory safety measures & Specimen collection and transport 2 Microscopic examination of bacteria (Unstained & stained smears) 1 Isolation of bacteria (Culture media & cultivation procedure) 1 Identification of isolated bacteria 1 Antibiotic sensitivity tests
1 Sterilization and disinfection 1 Agglutination assays 1 Precipitation assays 1 Complement fixation test, neutralization assays, radio immune assay, monoclonal antibodies (technique and application) 1 ELSA & Immunofluorescence (technique and application) 1 Laboratory techniques for diagnosis of viral infection 1 Techniques in mycology lab 1 Diagnostic procedures in parasitology lab
3- Course components (total contact hours per semester): LectureTutorialLaboratoryPracticalOther Teaching methodology Theoretical Lectures: Data show – Group discussion Tutorials Audio-visual learning Practical Students working in the lab Practical notebook Audio-visual learning
Course assessment Continuous assessment 20% Mid-term Exams 20% Final Term Exam 60% 2 MCQs Quizes (10 minutes each): 5% Students attendance: 10% Practical notebook: 5% Mid-term Exams (MCQs + short account) One Exam (MCQs + short account): 40%T+20%P
Schedule of assessment tasks Assess ment Assessment taskWeek due Proportion of final assessment 1 1 st QuizLecture No % 2 Mid-term Exam5 th week 20% 3 2 nd QuizLecture No % 4 Practical notebook11 th week 5% 5 Attendance The whole 11 weeks 10% 6 Final term Exam12 th week 60%
Students support Availability of teaching staff for consultations and advice. Learning resources (a)- Required texts1.Lectures handout 2.Practical notebook
(b)- Recommended books and reference material Medical Microbiology & Immunology. Examination and Board review Warren Levinson, and Jawetz E. 6 th edition. Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology. Baron and Finegold. Latest Edition. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Murray PR, et al. ASM Press. Latest Edition. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Abul K Abas, 6 th edition Medical Immunology. Daniel PS, et al. Appelton & Lange Co. CA, USA. Latest edition. Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory PerspectiveClinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective. Stevens C, CSH press. Latest edition.
(c)- Electronic resources 1.E-Learning (education by fun): Video tapes (audio-visual)