Ambient Air Quality in Karachi SUPARCO. 1. Baseline (Ambient Air Quality) Study of Major Six Cities of Pakistan- ENERCON/UNDP 2. Feasibility Study & Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Ambient Air Quality in Karachi SUPARCO

1. Baseline (Ambient Air Quality) Study of Major Six Cities of Pakistan- ENERCON/UNDP 2. Feasibility Study & Development of Transportation Control Plan - City District Government Karachi

OBJECTIVES To establish concentration levels of ambient airborne pollutants in six major cities with temporal and spatial distribution along with traffic count and meteorological data To investigate the ambient airborne pollution levels of suspended particulate matter (SPM/ PM10), CO, NOx, SO 2, CO 2, O 3, Pb, HC (methane and non-methane), and noise levels

OBJECTIVES Assess the impact of pollution generated by operation of vehicular traffic and Propose remedial measures and course of action to control pollution SCOPE OF STUDY Identification of Transport Sector Issues and Creation of Vehicular corridor Data

To determine impact of transport sector on  Physical Environment  Living Environment  Social Environment To Propose Remedial Measures to Control Pollution Preparation of a feasibility study to develop a transport control plan dealing with issues related to fuel, vehicles & operators for a cleaner environment Identification of Issues and Creation of Baseline

1.Establish baseline on quality of air, water, soil, groundwater at different locations in the city, particularly traffic congestion points 2.Record the level of major air pollutants viz CO and NOx and the Ievel of noise pollution at different locations 3.Estimate the approximate contribution of faulty vehicles to the problem of air and noise pollution 4.Identify areas whose residents are vulnerable to ailments related to air pollution and noise pollution 5.Health impact assessment of persons resident / making a living in the neighborhood of traffic congestion points 6.Assess the impact of the use of different fuels on the operation of vehicular traffic and on the environment 7.Establish the need to change the fuel and to improve its quality a impact that the change and improvement will bring about Cont’d.... MAJOR TASKS OF STUDY

8.Assess the impact of pollution generated by operation of vehicular physical environment 9.Assess the impact of operation of vehicular traffic on cultural practices and to identify the deficiencies, if any 10.Estimate the losses due to degradation of the environment resulting from the impact identified by different components 11.Conduct a study that would propose remedial measures and course action to control pollution 12.Determination of the quality and quantity of fuel being offered by the refineries and the petroleum dealers and identifying the practices involved in degrading the quality and reducing the quantity 13.Identification of the need to improve vehicle technology in response to requirements of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 for vehicular emissions control 14.Devising a mechanism to provide the appropriate infrastructure to monitor performance of vehicles and repair and maintenance as well as the inspection systems besides that of the Traffic Police in management traffic MAJOR TASKS OF STUDY Cont’d....

Map of Karachi Showing Sampling Locations ARI QUALITY IN KARACHI

Task # 1 a)Air Pollution Monitoring (CO,CO 2, SO 2, NOx), Noise Level Measurement and Traffic count at 26 locations b)Ground & Waste Water Sampling & Analysis for Oil & Grease, Soil Sampling & Analysis for Hydrocarbon, Lead, Cadmium & Asbestos at 26 Location

Parameters monitored at each site in Six Major Cities Criteria pollutantsOther ambient pollutants Meteorological parameters Traffic count TSP (Total Suspended Particulates) Non-Methane hydrocarbons Ambient air temperature Diesel vehicles Coaster, Wagons, Buses, Pickups, Jeeps, Pajeeros, Loader Pickups, Tractors, Trucks PM10 (Particulate Matter <10u) Methane hydrocarbons Wind speedPetrol vehicles M/Cycles, Rickshaws, Cars, Taxis NO x CO 2 Wind direction SO 2 Noise LevelHumidity O3O3 CO Lead

METHODOLOGY Pollutants MethodsInstruments/ Analyzer NOx as NO 2 40 CFR Method in Appendix F of Part 50Appendix F NOx Analyzer, Chemiluminescence) SO 2 40 CFR Method in Appendix A Part50 Appendix A Part50 SO 2 Analyzer (Fluorescence) O 3 40 CFR Method in Appendix D of Part 50Appendix D of Part 50 Ozone Analyzer COMethod in Appendix C of 40 CFR Part 50Appendix C of 40 CFR Part 50 CO Analyzer CO 2 40 CFR Appendix C of 40 CFR Part 50 CO 2 Analyzer TSP40 CFR Method in Appendix B of Part 50Appendix B of Part 50 High Volume Sampler PM1040 CFR Appendix J of Part 50Appendix J of Part 50 PM 10 High Volume Sampler Lead40 CFR Appendix G of Part 50Appendix G of Part 50 Using Graphite Furnace of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Hydrocarbo ns (Methane & Non- methane) Method 18 Part 53 of 40 CFR ?? FID Hydrocarbon Analyzer Noise Level 40 CFR Part 201 Sound Level Meter

Calibration of Equipment Analyzer Calibration Method Frequency CO (IR Gas Filter Correlation) CO Concentration Standard Use of SRM (Zero & SPAN) Once per Month or Before Monitoring at a Site NOx (Chemiluminescence) Dilution Gas Method-do- High volume Sampler, PM 10 Fix Orifice CalibratorBefore Monitoring at a Site SO 2 (UV Fluorescence) Gas Dilution Method (Permeation Device) Once per Month or Before Monitoring at a Site O 3 (UV Photometry) Using Zero Air and Ozone Generator -do- CO 2 (IR Gas Filter Correlation) CO 2 Concentration Standard Use of SRM (Zero & SPAN) -do- Hydrocarbons (HC 500-2E) (FID) Gas Dilution Method (Methane) -do- LeadReference SRM From USEPA Every Batch

14 Air Quality Monitoring Mobile Lab

Inner View of Mobile Lab.


Automatic high-speed computer controlled digital camera for recording the traffic count is available onboard the mobile labs. Traffic Counting with classification of vehicles

Air Quality Study CitiesNo. of Points/Sites Karachi10 Lahore 7 Islamabad3 Rawalpindi5 Peshawar5 Quetta3 Total33 MONITORING SITES PARAMETERS MONITORED AT EACH SITE Criteria pollutants Other ambient pollutants Meteorological parameters Traffic count TSP (Total Suspended Particulates) Non-Methane hydrocarbons Ambient air temperature Diesel vehicles Coaster, Wagons, Buses, Pickups, Jeeps, Pajeeros, Loader Pickups, Tractors, Trucks PM10 (Particulate Matter <10u) Methane hydrocarbons Wind speedPetrol vehicles M/Cycles, Rickshaws, Cars, Taxis NO x CO 2 Wind direction SO 2 Noise LevelHumidity O3O3 CO Lead Collected ambient air quality data in six (6) cities of the country through appropriate monitoring techniques. Number of sites monitored in each city are shown below. Monitoring was carried out continuously for 48 hrs at a site & repeated during the 4 cycles (1-year). Data so collected has been statistically analyzed

 Number of sites were selected for the study by the following criteria:  Sites having least and maximum concentrations of pollutants  Sites representative of Industrial, Commercial & Residential Areas  Meteorological conditions and vehicular traffic density. SITE SELECTION CRITERIA  Area to be covered  Spatial variability of pollutants.  Data use/objectives

Ambient Air Quality Standards PollutantsUSEPAWHO (2005) Averaging TimeStandardAveraging TimeGuideline Values SO 2 24 HRS ANNUAL MEAN 365µg/m3 (140 ppb) 80µg/m3 (30 ppb) 24 HRS ANNUAL MEAN 10 MIN 125 µg/m3 (48 ppb) 50µg/m3 (20 ppb) 500µg/m3 (190 ppb) CO8 HRS 1 HR 10 mg/m3 (9 ppm) 40 mg/m3 (35 ppm) 8 HRS 1 HR 10mg/m3 (9 ppm) 30 mg/m3 (25 ppm) NOxANNUAL MEAN100µg/m3 (50 ppb)ANNUAL MEAN 1 HR 40 µg/m3 (20 ppb) 200µg/m3 (105 ppb) O3O3 1 HR 8 HRs 235µg/m3 (120 ppb) 160µg/m3 (80 ppb) 8 HRS100µg/m3 (50 ppb) PM HRS Annual Mean 150µg/m3 50µg/m3 ANNUAL MEAN 24 HRs 20 µg/m3 50 µg/m3 TSP24-HRS 260  g/m 3 24-HRS  g/m 3

AMBIENT AIR AND VEHICULAR CORRIDOR TSP LEVELS US EPA Permissible Limit for TSP is 260 ug/m3 (24 Hrs) TSP level In Ambient air ( ) TSP level on Vehicular Corridor( 2005 CDGK Study)

AMBIENT AIR AND VEHICULAR CORRIDOR PM10 LEVELS US EPA Permissible Limit for PM10 is 150 ug/m3 (24 Hrs basis) PM10 level In Ambient air ( ) TSP level on Vehicular Corridor ( 2005 CDGK Study)

US EPA Limit of CO (8hr.) is 10 ppm CO LEVELS IN AMBIENT AIR

SO 2 LEVELS IN AMBIENT AIR USEPA Permissible Limit (24h) for SO 2 is 140 ppb (365  g/m 3 )

NOx LEVELS IN AMBIENT AIR & ON VEHICULAR CORRIDORS USEPA Permissible Limit for NOx is 53 ppb (Annual Mean) NOx level In Ambient air ( ) NOx level on Vehicular Corridor ( 2005 CDGK Study)

USEPA Permissible Limit for O 3 is 80 ppb(8 hrs) O 3 LEVELS AMBIENT AIR

Site wise Comparison of HC-Methane at Karachi

Site wise Comparison of HC-Non Methane at Karachi

Site wise Comparison of Lead at Karachi USEPA Quarterly Avg. standard limit for lead is 1.5 ug/m 3

Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of TSP in Six Major Cities US EPA Permissible Limit for TSP is 260 ug/m3 (24 Hrs)

Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of PM10 in six Major Cities US EPA Permissible Limit for PM10 is 150 ug/m3 (24 Hrs basis)

USEPA Permissible Limit for NOx is 53 ppb (Annual Mean) Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of NOx as NO2 in six Major Cities

Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of SO2 in six Major Cities

US EPA Limit of CO (8hr.) is 10 ppm Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of CO in six Major Cities

USEPA Permissible Limit for O 3 is 80 ppb(8 hrs) Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of Ozone in six Major Cities

Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of HC-Methane in six Major Cities

Mean Concentration (24 hrs) of HC-Non Methane in six Major Cities

Corridor 1. Corridor 1.Merewether Tower  Mawlvi Musafir Khana  Tibbet Center  M.A. Jinnah Road/Garden Road Intersection  Old Numaish  Guru Mandir  Tin Hatti  Liaqatabad # 10  Karimabad  Sohrab Goth  Super Highway Corridor 2. Corridor 2.Merewether Tower  Burns Road  Garden Road/Preedy Street Intersection  Empress Market  Finance & Trade Center  Sharae Faisal  Drigh Road  Malir  Landhi  National Highway Corridor 3. Corridor 3.Merewether Tower  Ziauddin Road and Chundrigar Road Intersection  Metropole Hotel  Finance & Trade Center  Sharae faisal  Drigh Road  Gulshan Chowrangi  Sohrab Goth Corridor 4. Corridor 4.Merewether Tower  Teen Talwar  Sunset Boulevard  Korangi/Baloch Colony Intersection  Darul Uloom Road Korangi Industrial Area  Landhi Industrial Area  Port Qasim  Steel Mills  National Highway  Toll Plaza (Malir River Crossing)  Super Highway Corridor 5. Corridor 5.Merewether Tower  Karachi Port Trust  Mauripur Road  Gul Bai Intersection  Ghani Chowrangi  Nazimabad  North Nazimabad  Sohrab Goth Corridors based on Traffic Flow

Corridors for Pollution Modeling

RESULTS SUMMARY 1. Pollutants levels were highest in summer and lowest in monsoon. 2. TSP and PM 10 exceeded at all sites and lowest in Karachi. 3. NOx, SO 2, O 3 and CO within USEPA limit at all sites. 4. Lead also exceeded at all sites.

Recommendations 1 Air pollution data collection must be on continuous basis for Major cities using fixed and mobile laboratory. 2 Development of Pakistan national ambient air quality standards should be initiated. 3 Strict Implementation of already existing laws. 4 Improvement of fuel quality. 5 Make effective motor vehicles testing, inspection and maintenance.

Recommendations (cont…..) 6. Encourage environment friendly practices like conversion of automobiles to CNG fuel with use of catalytic converter, Development of public transport infrastructure. 7. Promote public awareness/training in schools and different community organizations.

Vehicular Air Pollution in Karachi, high pollutants levels affect the human health, deteriorate the physical environment. Transport Mismanagement verse the existing situation. Efficient Mass Transport system may be the good solution for better environment. Efficient mass transit system

Conclusion Based On Baseline Study 2-storke engine on rickshaws and motor cycles are major polluters of air on the five corridors. 2-storke engines as well as defective or untuned vehicles are major polluters with CO emissions. 2-storke engines as well as defective vehicles using sub standard lubricants are major emitters of SO 2 and smoke Vehicles operating on CNG & LPG are major polluters with NOx Transportation as Major Contributor to Air Pollution

Conclusion Based On Baseline Study Conclusion Based On Baseline Study (cont…..) Other sources contributing to air pollution levels are Industrial emissions, Brick Kiln, Landfills, Biomass Degradation, Solid Waste open burning, cement industries. Similarly paper and pulp industry is a source of gaseous pollutants like SO 2, CO, and CO 2. Steel industry is associated with metallic pollutants as well as NOx, SOx CO, CO 2. The industrial processes brick kilns external combustion boilers and portable diesel generators also share the major contribution of PM10, PM2.5, SO 2 etc. All these industries are introducing a number of metallic and non metallic pollutants to surrounding environment and adversely affecting the air quality to an alarming level.