Psalams 139:13-16
Communicable Disease Is a disease that is spread from one living thing to another through the environment An organism that causes a disease is called a pathogen An infection occurs when a pathogen enters the body, multiplies, and damages body cells
Viruses Genetic material surrounded by protein coat Viruses need living cells to reproduce Most common are the cold and the flu Antibiotics do not work on viruses You can only treat the symptoms, not the virus Fever = aspirin Runny nose = antihistamine
Bacteria Single-celled organisms Most are harmless, some are even essential for life Some enter the body and produce a toxin the prevents the cell from doing its job Most bacteria can be destroyed by antibiotics However, through over use, your body or the bacteria itself can build up a tolerance to antibiotics
Other Pathogens Fungi – molds, yeasts (athlete’s foot) Protozoans – larger, more complex bacteria that can affect weakened immune system (malaria) Rickettsias – like bacteria that are spread by insect bites (Rocky Mountain spotted fever)
How are they spread? Direct contact – direct contact with infected person Touching, kissing, coughing, sneezing Indirect contact Contaminated Objects Vectors – ticks, mosquito Water and Food – carless handling of food
Preventing Disease Wash Hands! Handle Food Properly Eat balanced diet Avoid sharing eating utensils and other personal items Avoid ill people Manage stress
Common Communicable Diseases Respiratory Infections Common Cold – viral infection that cannot be cured Effects mucus membranes that that line the nose and throat Influenza – viral infection that has various strains Can get a flu shot, works like an immunization Doesn’t guarantee you will not get the flu Can be deadly, current worries about new strands May develop into pneumonia Pneumonia – can be viral or bacterial In weakened state, bacteria spreads to lungs and causes difficulty in breathing
Step Throat – bacterial infection marked by a sore throat If left untreated, it can develop into more serious complications Tuberculosis – bacterial disease the attacks the lungs Usually only affects those with weakened immune system
Hepatitis A Virus spread through contact with feces Nausea, fever, vomiting, fatigue, abdominal pain B Virus in bodily fluids Mostly spread through sexual contact Causes severe liver damage C Blood-borne virus Causes severe liver damage
HIV/AIDS HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus – virus that attacks the immune system Attacks and destroys cells over lengthy times (years) Having HIV does not mean you have AIDs Transmitted through body fluids, doesn’t survive well outside of the body Done most commonly through: blood, semen, and breast milk Can virtually eliminate risk by abstaining from sexual activity Person can go years with out showing symptoms of the disease
AIDs Acquired immune deficiency syndrome During the latter stages of HIV, more serious symptoms occur: AIDs Severely diminished immune system, appearance of opportunistic infections/illnesses People don’t die from HIV/AIDs, their system becomes so weak, that another virus or bacteria takes their life
Treatment for HIV/AIDs Medical science has made great advancements in treating the symptoms of AIDs, prolonging life for long periods of time (in some cases for decades) There currently is no cure for someone who has acquired HIV/AIDs