About us I'm glad to present you the University of Pavia Our institution is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the oldest one in Lombardy. Since its foundation in 1361 it has been a good place to study for both Italian and foreign students. Each year, thousands of students can appreciate the multidisciplinary vocation of our University and the hospitality of its campus, really unique in Italy for the possibility it offers of living and studying in a lively, intellectually challenging environment. Our aim is to encourage our students ’ creativity, enhancing their capacity to engage with the great challenges of our society. We set out to obtain this goal by offering a wide academic curriculum, by increasing our international policy and through the outstanding quality of our research. The Rector Prof. Angiolino Stella
The University of Pavia today 3 hospitals 9 faculties 15 colleges 20 master degrees 35 libraries 17 departements 54 specialization schools 104 degree couses 310 exchange relationships over the world professors study grants graduated each year students Canoeing and rowing international races and a wide range of sports Courses of Italian for foreign students
Educational organization of the degree course Current legislation lays down six years of study for the degree course in Medicine and Surgery with a total of 360 credits including 60 credits for Vocational Training to be acquired in educational activities designed to promote the acquisition of specific vocational skills. Attendance at these educational activities (lectures and training) is compulsory and is a prerequisite to taking exams. Semesters: The Degree course is divided into 12 semesters. The average duration is 14 weeks each, based on a teaching progression starting with basic science in the first two years and progressing with medical and clinical methods, health care organization in Italy, ethical and legal aspects of medicine. Courses and exams: Individual courses are grouped into modules in keeping with the principle of integrated teaching with a total of 36 examinations (esami di di profitto) undertaken in the six-year course. Continuous assessment may be prescribed for courses held across two terms. Internship/Vocational Training: The period of Vocational Training (60 credits)functions to all intents and purposes as an integral part of the Degree course. Starting in the third year it is carried out in one of the following clinics: Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as other medical and surgical specializations. The internship takes the form of tutorial teaching in which practical activities are conducted under the supervision of a Tutor-Teacher. ADEs: 8 credits are assigned to elective educational activities (ADEs) chosen by students. There are no exams. Thesis: 18 credits are assigned to thesis preparation. Assessment of learning- Examination sessions Assessment is either by: exams without marks (idoneità) designed to determine the effectiveness of learning and teaching processes; exams with marks (esami di profitto) designed to assess course objectives have been fulfilled, to certify an individual student’s preparation and quantify the outcome with a mark. All exams are taken during specific exam periods.
Official exam sessions are: First session in January-February, Second session in June - July, Third session in September. Special sessions in December and around the Easter holidays are planned annually by the Academic Board. Propedeutic prerequisites Students must have passed the exam on the left in the following list before proceeding to take the exam on the right Chemistry and Introductory Biochemistry Biochemistry Histology and Embryology Human Anatomy Physics, Biochemistry and Human Anatomy Human Physiology. Human Physiology General Immunology and Pathology and Medical and Surgical Semiotics. Human Physiology, Immunology and Pathology, Medical and Surgical Semiotics all clinical exams. Anatomy Pathology all sixth year exams
FIRST SEMESTER INTEGRATED COURSEexamsECTS MODULESECTS DSS field CHEMISTRY and PROPEDEUTIC BIOCHE MISTRYE-017 Chemistry 5 BIO/10 B Propaedeutic Biochemistry 2 BIO/10 B PHYSICSE-025 Physics 5 Fis/07 A SCIENTIFIC METHODS in MEDICINE 1test4 (8) Statistics A 1 MED/01 20 (exam: 3° - II°) Statistics B 2 MED/01 affine Hystory of Medicine 1 MED/02 20 BIOLOGY and GENETICSE-039 General Biology 2 BIO/13 A Molecular Genetics 2 BIO/13 A Human Genetics 2 MED/03 A Cytogenetics 3 MED/03 A ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 2 (8) English Language 1 2 LiN/12 20 TOTAL327
SECOND SEMESTER INTEGRATED COURSEexamsECTSMODULESECTSDSSfield BIOCHEMISTRYE-0411 General Biochemistry 7BIO/10 B Molecular Biology 2BIO/11 B Cellular Biochemistry 2BIO/10 related HISTOLOGY and EMBRYOLOGYE-059 Histology 4BIO/17 C Embryology A 1BIO/17 related Embryology B 2BIO/17 C Cytology 2BIO/17 C ANATOMY 1test9(20) Human anatomy A 6BIO/16 C (exam: III°) Human Anatomy B 3BIO/16 related ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2 2 English Language 2Lin/12 20 TOTAL231
INTEGRATED COURSEexamsECTSMODULESECTSDSSfield ANATOMY 2E-0611(20) Human anatomy A 7 BIO/16 C Topographic Anatomy 4 BIO/16 related HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 10(20) Muscle Physiology 2 BIO/09 D exam II semester Cell Physiology 3 BIO/09 D Cardiovascular Physiology 3 BIO/09 D Endocrine Physiology 2 BIO/09 D ENGLISH LANGUAGE 3 2(8) English Language2LIN/12 20 TOTAL 23 THIRD SEMESTER
FOURTH SEMESTER INTEGRATED COURSEexamsECTSMODULESECTSDSSfield HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY E-0710(20) Respiratory Physiology2 BIO/09 D Neurophysiology3 BIO/09 D Kidney Physiology3 BIO/09 D Gastroenterologic Physiology2 BIO/09 D IMMUNOLOGYE-086 Immunology 6MED/04 1 MICROBIOLOGYE-096 Microbiology A4 MED/07 1 Virology A1 MED/07 1 Virology B1 MED/07 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 4Ido2 English Language 4 2LIN/12 20 TOTAL 24
INTEGRATED COURSEexamsECTSMODULESECTSDSSfield GENERAL PATHOLOGYE-108 General Pathology and7 MED/04 1 Physiopatology 1 MED/04 18 PHARMACOLOGY 1test5 General Pharmacology A 3BIO/14 10 (exam: IX sem) General Pharmacology B 1BIO/14 2 General Pharmacology C 1BIO/14 6 MEDICAL and SURGICAL SEMEIOTICS 1test3 (7) Medical Semeiotics A 2MED/09 9 (exam: VI sem) Medical Semeiotics B 1MED/09 2 LABORATORY MEDICINE 1test2 (7) Clinical Microbiology 2MED/07 3 exam VI sem PREVENTIVE MEDICINEtest3(7) Hygiene & Com. MedicineB 2MED/42 2 exam VI sem Business Economics 1SECS-P0719 TRAINEESHIP FIFTH SEMESTER
INTEGRATED COURSEexamsECTSMODULESECTSDSSfield SCIENTIFIC METHODS in MEDICINE 2E-114 (8) Statistics in Medicine 3MED/01 20 Epidemiology 1MED/42 19 PREVENTIVE MEDICINEE-124 (7) Hygiene & Com. MedicineA 2MED/42 19 Hygiene & Com. Medicine B 1MED/42 19 Hygiene & Com. MedicineC 1MED/42 16 MEDICAL and SURGICAL SEMEIOTICS 2E-134 (7) General Surgery 3MED/18 2 Instrumental Semeiotics 1MED/36 3 METABOLIC and ENDOCRINEE-145 Internal Medicine 1MED/09 9 SYSTEM DISEASES Endocrinology 3MED/13 2 Endocrine surgery 1MED/ BLOOD DISEASESE-155 Haematology 3MED/15 18 Haematologic Oncology 1MED/15 18 Pathological Anatomy 1MED/08 6 LABORATORY MEDICINE 2E-165 Clinical biochemistry 5BIO/12 3 TRAINEESHIP 2 6 TOTAL 31 SIXTH SEMESTER
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Taxes Fixed Taxes: a) Enrollment tax € 192,70 b) Regional tax € 140,00 c) Stamp € 14,62 d) Student Service tax € 129,00 e) Health Insurance € 6,00 f) Fixed tax for Cultural foundation € 2,00 TOTALE € 484,32 a) Delay in the presentation of documents77 b) Delay in the presentation of mod. Isee155 c) Transfer to different University309 d) A copy of the University booklet52 e) A copy of the University Badge52 f) Diaploma and copies93 g) Diploma and copies DR155 h) Enrollment to close number courses (national)52 i)Enrollment to close number courses (local) and non selective course31 j) IMAT test120 k) Language test52 l) Exams350* m) Single extra courses41 n) VISA renewal service52 o) Urgent VISA service32 p) Interruption tax258