U10 Practice Plan Developed by Phonethip Ketnouvong REAL Fútbol Training
Things You Need For A Good Practice: BASIC INFORMATION & TIPS FOR BEGINNING COACHES AND HOW TO COACH YOUR AGE GROUP Things You Need For A Good Practice: A Ball for Every Player. Ask each child to bring a ball to practice, but have some extras to bring because some kids will forget. A nylon mesh laundry bag makes a great ball bag. Also, have a ball pump to keep the balls inflated. Shinguards & Water. Every player should wear shinguards & bring a plastic water bottle with their name on it. I always take extra water because some always forget. 2 Assistants Coaches max An Equipment Bag. To keep your gear in. In it should be some Band-Aids or a small medical kit and instant ice packs is good. A Watch With A Countdown Timer. You can get by without this, but it makes it a lot easier to run timed games. Tips For Good Practices: Kids love playing games & keeping score. In practice, try to use games & not drills. Everyone should stay active & participate. Avoid lines. Maximize "touches" on the ball. At least 300 touches per practice for each player. Teach proper technique and emphasize games that practice technique or simulate play or playing situations. Run games by keeping time (e.g., so they last 1, 3, or 8 minutes) or by keeping score (e.g., first to 3, 12, etc.). Praise hustle, improvement and a good attitude. Measure each player's performance by his or her personal improvement and effort, and not by comparing them to someone else. Try to motivate in a positive way that builds self-esteem. A good game must be easy & quick to set up and should be simple to explain and manage. If you are spending too much time on set up or instruction, simplify it. If it's not fun, it's not a good game. You must have at least one ball per player. Avoid general scrimmaging for more than 10 minutes per hour. In general scrimmages players don't get enough touches on the ball, the weaker players tend to get the fewest touches and bad habits can be reinforced because players tend to do the same things they have always done. If you scrimmage, do so without a goalkeeper. Adopt this philosophy: Keep it simple, keep them active, keep it fun & at least 300 touches per player per practice"
Week 1 Theme: Dribbling for Ball Control (8 min) Intro: Ice Breaker Name Game Rules for players. Have fun. No hands. (8 min) Warm-up: Scrimmage (Yes, Scrimmage) Objective: This exercise is an ideal "scrimmage" for young players, and creates many opportunities to train small-sided offensive and defensive tactics for older players. Description: Using cones or flags, set up small goals approximately 15-30 yards apart (depending upon the age and ability of your players). Have three players defend one goal, and another three players defend the other goal. The two teams play against each other using one ball, trying to outscore their opponents before time runs out. Don't specify any touchline boundaries, but restart play with a goal kick whenever the ball crosses either goal line. (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Move: Fake, Stop & Go (Click to view video) Demo 4 - 20 second game to perform as many times as they can. Players try to beat their score. Coach call out “Stop” & “Go” (8 min) Game 1: The Blob Objective: "The Blob" is a fun game that works your players on dribbling and cutting the ball. Description: Play is confined to the Penalty Area, and all but two players have a ball. The other two players are taggers. When the coach says "Go", the taggers attempt to knock any ball out of the area. When a player has his ball knocked out of the grid, he must link elbows (or hold hands) with the player who kicked the ball away. The combined players now try to eliminate a third player, who in turn must link onto the "Blob". The winner is the last player still dribbling. (8 min) Game 2: Steal the Bacon Objective: Steal the Bacon is a fun game for your players to practice 1v1 attacking and defending. Description: Line up half of your players on one side of a rectangular grid, and the other half on the other side facing each other. Number your players 1 through 3 on each side. The coach should stand outside the grid with a supply of balls, and serve one ball into the middle of the grid as he calls a number. The two players with that number (one from each side) sprint to the ball and attempt to play it across the opposite line to score. (8 min) Game 3: 3v3 to two goals Description: Using cones or flags, set up two small goals approximately 10-20 yards apart (depending upon the age and ability of your players). Have three players defend one goal, and another three players defend the other goal. The two teams play against each other using one ball, trying to outscore their opponents before time runs out. Don't specify any touchline boundaries, but restart play with a goal kick whenever the ball crosses either goal line. (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 2 Theme: Dribbling for Ball Control (8 min) Intro: The game is the best teacher. (8 min) Warm-up: Hospital Tag Objective: Hospital Tag is a fun game for your players to play as a warm-up. Description: In a grid marked off with cones, designate one player as the "tagger" and the rest as "runners". The tagger runs around the grid trying to tag the rest of the players. Whenever a player is tagged, he must hold that part of his body with one of his hands and continue running around the grid. If a player is tagged a second time, he must hold where he was hit with his other hand and continue running. If a player is tagged three times, he must go to the "hospital" (outside the grid), receive some form of "treatment" (for example, doing 10 ball touches), and then return to the grid to continue playing. Variants: Same game except now everyone has a ball (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Move: Pull Back & Turn (Click to view video) Demo 10 secs game to perform as many times as they can Coach call out “Change direction” (8 min) Game 1: Score on Four Objective: This activity for beginning players develops awareness of space and allows players to practice scoring goals in competitive situations. Description: Line up four cone goals on the boundary lines of a square playing area (10-15 yd across). Place four or five players inside the area, and have a supply of balls by the coach outside the area. Serve one ball in at a time, and each player competes against the others to get the ball and score on any of the four small-sided goals. Shots must be low to count (i.e., on the ground), and the coach should serve a new ball in to the game whenever the previous ball has been kicked outside the playing area. (8 min) Game 2: 4v4 to four goals Objective: 4v4 to Four Cone Goals is an excellent exercise for your players to work on making the transition from offense to defense and back. Description: Set up a 20 x 30 yard field with two sets of cone goals placed wide on each goal line. Play a game of 4v4, with each team defending the two wide goals on its goal line and attacking the two goals on the other side. (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 3 Theme: Dribbling to Avoid Defenders (8 min) Intro: Change of Direction Change of Speed (8 min) Warm-up: Freeze Tag Objective: Freeze Tag is a fun game for your players to play as either a warm-up or to work on dribbling away from pressure. Description: Place all but one of your players inside a grid, each with a ball. Designate the player without the ball to be a "tagger". The players with balls dribble around the grid, staying away from the "tagger". If the tagger hits any part of a dribbler's body or his ball, that person is frozen and must stop, pick up his ball and hold it over his head, and stand with his legs open. The only way he can be unfrozen is for another dribbler to pass a ball between the frozen player's legs. At that point, the frozen player can put down his ball and begin dribbling again. Play either for a specified length of time or until the tagger has frozen all the dribblers. Switch the tagger, and play again.. (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 1: Crabs and Dribblers Objective: This exercise is good for dribblers to practice their cuts and feints, and for players to increase their upper-body strength. Description: Set up a rectangular grid. Place half of your players along one side of the grid, each with a ball. Place the other half of your players inside the grid in "crab" positions. The dribblers attempt to dribble across the grid to the other side without letting a "crab" kick their ball out of the grid. If their ball gets kicked out, they should join the crabs in the middle. Dribblers dribble back and forth between lines until there is only one survivor. (8 min) Game 2: 4v4 in a square to four goals Objective: This exercise is a fun, competitive game for your players to play while requiring them to string together passes and look to goal. Description: Line up four cone goals in a square pattern. Have your players play 3v3 (or play 2v2+1, using a full-time offensive player). Each team defends two close goals and tries to score in the other two. Shots must be low to count (i.e., on the ground). (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 4 Theme: Dribbling & Passing – Putting all Together (8 min) Intro: Pass with all parts of feet (8 min) Warm-up: Steal the Vest Tag Objective: This is a fun game to play as a warm-up to improve your players' mobility and awareness on the field. Description: Give a vest to each player, and have him tuck the end of the vest into the back of his shorts so that most of the vest is hanging down behind him. When the game begins, the players run around inside a restricted space (such as the Penalty Area) and try to "steal" the vests from behind the other players. The game continues until no more vests remain to be stolen, and the player holding the most vests at the end wins. Distribute the vests again, and play once more but now everyone has a ball and dribbles. (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 1: Start & Stop Objective: "Start/Stop" trains your players to keep the ball under close control while dribbling. Description: Players dribble around in a grid. Periodically, the coach (moving around inside the grid) will say "Stop!" When the players hear this, they should immediately stop the ball with the sole of their foot. When the coach says to dribble again, they should continue dribbling around the grid. Variants: 1. Next have them stop the ball with their knee. 2. Next, make them sit on the ball to stop it. 3. Finally, require them to stoop down and stop the ball with their head. (8 min) Game 2: Multi Goal Scrimmage Objective: Multi-Small-Goal Scrimmage is a fun game for your players to play as a scrimmage near the end of a session. Description: Using cones, position five small goals around half a field as shown. Players are divided into two equal teams. Points are scored by passing the ball through a goal to a teammate, and there is no limit to the number that can be made on the same goal. (8 min) Game 3: 2v2 to two goals Objective: This economical exercise creates many opportunities to train small-sided offensive and defensive tactics. Description: Using cones, set up two small goals approximately 10-20 yards apart. Have two players defend one goal, and another two players defend the other goal. The two teams play against each other using one ball, trying to outscore their opponents before time runs out. Don't specify any boundaries, but require goals to be scored from the "inside" of the field (and not through the back of either goal). (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 5 Theme: Passing (8 min) Intro: What makes a good pass? A good pass is one that… makes your teammates look good… one that keeps the ball… one that leads to a goal! (8 min) Warm-up: Tropical Island Tag Objective: This fun dribbling game allows beginning players to "self-select" their challenges and also provides a unique warm-up activity for more experienced players. Description: Using cones create three small (1yd x 1yd) grids to represent "islands". Designate 1-3 players (without balls) to be "taggers", and give a ball to all the other players. Players are safe from the taggers when they are on an island, but only one person at a time can occupy an island and dribblers cannot return immediately to the same island. As new players dribble onto islands, the previous occupants must dribble away. If they are tagged, the dribblers must give their ball to the tagger, and then attempt to tag a different player to get a new ball. Variants: 1. Require taggers to kick a ball away from a dribbler instead of simply tagging the dribblers with their hands. 2. To increase the difficulty for the dribblers, add another tagger. (8 min) Game 1: Passing Through Gates Objective: This activity focuses on passing and receiving technique while also training players to be aware of attacking opportunities and fostering teamwork. Description: Using cones, set up a large number of small gates scattered randomly around the field. Divide your players into groups of two, and give a ball to each group. When the coach calls out "Play!" the players attempt to complete passes through as many gates as they can before time expires. Players cannot pass through the same gate twice until they've gone through all the other gates on the field. Variants: To increase pressure, remove a few balls from the activity and play again. Any players without a ball must work to win possession so that they can then earn points by passing through gates, and players with the ball must work to avoid the pressuring teams. (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 2: Target Boxes Scrimmage Objective: This activity focuses on improving awareness and vision of the field, and helps encourage players to switch the point of attack. Description: Using cones, set up four small (2yd x 2yd) "target boxes" in a larger 20yd x 20yd playing area. Designate two opposing grids as the "white" boxes, and the other two grids as the "red" boxes. Divide your players into two teams (a "white" team and a "red" team) to play 5v5. Place a white player in each of the white target boxes, a blue player in each of the blue target boxes, and play 3v3 in the area around the boxes. Teams score goals by completing a pass to either of the two teammates in their target boxes. The target player must control the pass cleanly (entirely within the box), and no defenders can enter the box. Whenever a point is scored, the receiving player continues the game by dribbling out of the target box and is replaced by the teammate who made the previous pass into the box. (8 min) Game 3: Scrimmage to Four Goals 3v3 to Four Cone Goals is an excellent exercise for your players to work on making the transition from offense to defense and back. Description: Set up a 20-30 yard field with two sets of cone goals placed wide on each goal line. Play a game of 3v3, with each team defending the two wide goals on its goal line and attacking the two goals on the other side. (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 6 Theme: Passing for Accuracy (8 min) Intro: What makes a good pass? A good pass is one that… makes your teammates look good… one that keeps the ball… one that leads to a goal! (8 min) Warm-up: Two team passing Pag Objective: Two Team Passing Tag is a fun warm-up exercise for your players. Description: Divide your players into two even teams. Each player on the first team has a ball (this team will be the "Taggers"). The players on the other team (the "Runners") are confined to the penalty area. When the coach yells "Play!" the Taggers attempt to pass their balls so that they hit the lower legs of the Runners. If a Runner is hit by a ball below the knees or is forced to run out of the penalty area, he is "frozen" in place. The Taggers must chase their own balls after each pass before attempting to hit the next Runner. The Taggers win if they freeze all Runners in less than a minute, and the Runners win if any member of their team remains unfrozen when time expires. Play again, and switch roles. (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 1: Dodge Ball Objective: Dodge Ball is a fun exercise that allows young players to practice their fundamental passing technique. Description: Line your players up along opposite sides of a rectangular grid, each with a ball. The players run between the two rows of players, who try to score points for their team by using correct technique to pass their balls into the player’s legs. All passes must stay on the ground; any player who lifts the ball into the air has a point deducted. (8 min) Game 2: 2v2 from Poles with Counterattack Goals Objective: 2v2 from the Poles with Counterattack Goals is a fun exercise for your players to play while focusing on 2v2 tactics. Description: Place a line of defenders on each goal post and two lines of attackers about 35 yards out from the goal next to two small counterattack goals. The first player on one of the poles starts the ball with a goal kick, and the first player on each cone plays to goal against the first player on each goalpost. If the defenders gain possession of the ball, they should attempt to score in one of the two counterattack goals. Play continues until a goal is scored or the ball goes out of bounds. (8 min) Game 3: 6 Goals, Attack3 & Defend 3 Goals Objective: This game helps train players to read an opponent's defensive shape, and encourages them to change the point of attack in midfield to find better attacking options. Description: Set up a 15 yd (long) x 30 yd (wide) field with three sets of cone goals placed along each end. The two cone goals in the center of the field should be only 1-2 yards wide; the other four goals (near each corner of the field) should be 3 yards wide. Play a game of 3v3, with each team defending three goals and attacking the other three goals. (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 7 Theme: “The Game is the Greatest Teacher” so Let ‘em Play (8 min) Intro: Ask what they enjoyed most (8 min) Warm-up: Scrimmage Objective: This exercise is an ideal "scrimmage" for young players, and creates many opportunities to train small-sided offensive and defensive tactics for older players. Description: Using cones or flags, set up small goals approximately 15-30 yards apart (depending upon the age and ability of your players). Have three players defend one goal, and another three players defend the other goal. The two teams play against each other using one ball, trying to outscore their opponents before time runs out. Don't specify any touchline boundaries, but restart play with a goal kick whenever the ball crosses either goal line. (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 1: Lava Bowl Objective: Lava Bowl requires your players to make use of the outside wings of the field. Description: Play two team, with one restriction...the ball and players are not allowed to enter the center circle. This forces the attack to the wings, and makes players transitioning to defense work even harder to recover quickly (when the most direct path back towards their goal is "off limits"). Mark off the center circle using cones to clearly indicate the off-limits area. (8 min) Game 2: 3v3 to Four Cone Game Objective: 3v3 to Four Cone Goals is an excellent exercise for your players to work on making the transition from offense to defense and back. Description: Set up a 15-25 yard field with two sets of cone goals placed wide on each goal line. Play a game of 3v3, with each team defending the two wide goals on its goal line and attacking the two goals on the other side. (8 min) Game 3: Scrimmage to 4 Goals Description: Set up a 20-30 yard field with two sets of cone goals placed wide on each goal line. Play a game of 3v3, with each team defending the two wide goals on its goal line and attacking the two goals on the other side. (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves
Week 8 Theme: (8 min) Intro: Ask what they enjoyed most before this practice (8 min) Warm-up: (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 1: (8 min) Game 2: (8 min) Game 3: (30 min) Scrimmage: 2 Halves Variations
THINGS TO REMEMBER AND OTHER GAMES COACHING Keep it fun, teach skills through games. Always explain what you want the kids to do while showing them. Give specific instructions. Instead of saying spread out, say something like “stand so you can’t touch a teammate”. Each session should be geared around touching the ball as many times as possible. Involve the ball in as many activities as possible. Basic movements such as running, skipping, hopping, etc. need to be emphasized. If these can be done while kicking, catching, rolling, or dribbling a ball... all the better! CHARACTERISTICS OF U - 10 PLAYERS Attention span longer than a 8 year old. Can attend to only one to three problem at a time. Understand simple rules that are explained briefly and demonstrated. We need to be patient and guide players Easily bruised psychologically. Shout praise often. Give "hints", don't criticize. Need generous praise and to play with and without pressure. Team play. (Will play on a team engage with their teammates) Can be selective on who they pass to. Constantly in motion, but can go longer before getting fatigued. Physical & Mentally, girls are developing quicker than boys at this age. Physical coordination developed. (Eye - hand and eye - foot coordination) Catching or throwing skills is developed. Can balance on their "good" foot but prefer not to balance on “bad” foot. PASSING Ages Comment The Bank Game U10 to U14 Passing with pressure Keep Your Yard Clean U6 to U10 Fun passing game-no real pressure 3v1 Variation U6 to U14 Passing Four Corners Split the Defenders U12-U14 For older players Dodge Ball U6 to U12 Fun Game Tug of War Passing for Accuracy Chip Pass Game U11 to U14 Chip pass or long pass Passing Through the Gates U-6 to U-12 To work on TECHNIQUE Crossing Game U8 to U14 No Mans Zone Long passing and receiving Receiving Drill Give and Go Spread Out U8 to 12 start with no soccer ball Wall Pass Drill DRIBBLING Heading Activity U-11 to U-14 Heading 1v1 Dribbling/Fitness Dribbling,Speed 1v1 Dribble Thru Gates U-6 to U-14 Dribbling with pressure Killer Whale U-6 to U-10 Dribbling and sheilding Nascar Fun drill 4 younger kids Speed Racer Dibbling for younger kids Knockout An old classic Tag- Variation U-6 to U 8 Dribbling Explode SHOOTING Ages Comment Breakaway Shooting Game U-6 to U-14 Good shooting game Four Corner Shooting Game Shoot or pass The Shooting Game Attacking/Defending Corner Kick Game U8 to U14 Watch them run 1V1 Get Out of Here U-8 to U-14 A favorite of kids 4v4v4 Get Out of Here 4 Goal Game FUN GAMES P-I-G U-10 to U-14 Juggling Power Finesse Finishing Volleyball U-10 to U14 Juggling/half volley