Chapter 13 Adjectives & Adverbs
Adjectives Lesson 121
Introduction Would you have difficulty solving this case? Why? What are some things you might need the owner to tell you about the dog?
Adjectives An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Adjectives tell what kind or how many. Adjectives often come before the noun they describe in a sentence.
Adjectives Some adjectives come after the noun that they describe. These adjectives follow linking verbs and describe the subject of the sentence.
Adjectives Diagram an adjective that comes before a noun on a line that slants below the noun it describes.
Adjectives Diagram a predicate adjective after the linking verb.
Guided Practice 1. Some deserts are near the mountains. what kind how many
Guided Practice 2. Mountains keep rain away from the hot desert. what kind how many
Guided Practice 4. Deserts have dry climates.
Guided Practice 5. Hot deserts have temperatures of over a hundred degrees.
Guided Practice 8. desertsreceive Cold
Independent Practice 1. Many kinds of plants grow in the desert. what kind how many
Independent Practice 2. These plants store large amounts of water. what kind how many
Independent Practice 6. Deserts are interesting.
Independent Practice 7. Unusual animals live in the desert.
Independent Practice 10. (Sentence 6) Desertsareinteresting
Independent Practice 11. (Sentence 7) animalslive Unusual
Apply and Write Write two sentences that describe the picture above. Circle the adjectives in your sentence that tell what kind or how many.
Special Adjectives Lesson 122
Adjectives The words a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles. Use a with singular nouns that begin with a consonant sound. Use an with singular nouns that begin with a vowel sound.
Adjectives Use the with singular nouns to name a particular person, place, or thing and with all plural nouns.
Adjectives A proper adjective is an adjective formed from a proper noun. Proper adjectives are always capitalized.
Adjectives Diagram articles and proper adjectives on a slanted line beneath the nouns they describe.
Guided Practice 1. ____ peanut a
Guided Practice 2. ____ alligator an
Guided Practice 5. (The, An) saguaro cactus looks like arms reaching into the sky.
Guided Practice 6. (The, An) barrel cactus gets its name from its barrel shape.
Guided Practice 9. The Sonoran desert is the home of the saguaro cactus.
Guided Practice 11. The ambassador is mexican.
Guided Practice 13. The new teacher is Chinese. teacheris The Chinese new
Independent Practice 1. ____ astronaut an
Independent Practice 2. ____ kitchen a
Independent Practice 5. God made (the, an) cactus plant to store water.
Independent Practice 6. (The, An) pleats of many cactus plants expand during times of rain.
Independent Practice 11. Mom fixed Polish sausage for the missions banquet.
Independent Practice 12. Mrs. Abrams made Swedish meatballs.
Independent Practice 15. The man giving a speech is german.
Independent Practice 17. The American president is interesting. presidentis The interesting American
Apply and Write Write two sentences about a mission field you would like to visit. Where is it located? What language do the people speak?