YOUR HEART IS YOUR LIFE! Women and Heart Disease Presented by Mandi Cecil BS Exercise Science ACSM Personal Fitness Trainer
YOUR HEART IS YOUR LIFE! I.What is heart disease? II.The facts for women to know. III.What to do if you think you are having a heart attack? IV.Video V. Own Index & Heart Rate Readings VI. Open Floor
What is Heart Disease? Heart disease = Coronary Artery Disease This is the narrowing of the coronary artery that reduces blood flow to the heart muscle. Which can cause chest pain (angina) or heart attack (myocardial infraction). These arteries branch throughout the 4 chambers of the heart and play a vital role in supplying the heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood.
They become narrow due to a build up of fatty plaque (Atherosclerosis) or a genetic link. Coronary Artery Disease is the most common form of heart disease & the most preventable.
Risk Factors: Diabetes Obesity High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Stress *These factors increase a women's chance of a heart attack by 34% over a man’s.
Symptoms: *Pain in Chest, Lower Chest, Upper Abdominal, Jaw & Neck *Fatigue*Indigestion *Difficulty Breathing *Nausea *Ache in BOTH arms *Pain in-between Shoulder Blades DO NOT second guess how you are feeling (know your body)
What you should know? - Only 20% of physicians know that women have a 57% higher rate of death from a heart attack. - In women, Plaque is more evenly distributed throughout the arteries of the heart verses in one area with men. Causing not just one area of the heart to lose oxygen. - Remember that most research and diagnosis strategies have been studied on men. - Estrogen replacement DOES NOT reduce your risk. - There is no known reason for why women more commonly die from heart attacks than men, but research is progressing & hopefully soon we will know.
What you can do to save your own life. 1- Be your own advocate! Be educated! Trust your Doctor! 2- Be aware of your personal risk of heart disease. 3- Exercise, modify your diet & stop smoking NOW!!! 4- Learn ways to stay stress free 5- Know your body and what is normal for you. 6- Remember that heart disease is not necessarily hormonal.
What to do if you are having a heart attack? Call 911 immediately Remain calm & relaxed DO NOT take aspirin! *Do not wait & second guess what other aliments might be causing what you are feeling. You might not get another chance!
Discovery Health “Heart Attack”
Your Target Heart Rate We will show you how to calculate your own Target Heart Rate for Exercise/Training. - Getting your Resting Heart Rate (pulse for 1 minute) - Karvonen Formula Sheet
Stress Management Wednesday, August 9 2pm Delaware Hall #032
Own Index Ownindex is a quick way to estimate your maximal cardiovascular power. Finding this out will show you how strong your cardiovascular system works to transport oxygen to your body. This test will take approximately 3 minutes, is not physical and quite accurate.