Español 1: Capítulo 3 – Gramática 1 Gustar with infinitives, pronouns after prepositions, the present tense of querer
Gustar with infinitives An infinitive is a type of verb. It tells the meaning of the verb without naming any subject or tense. It means “To ____” There are three kinds of infinitives in Spanish Those ending in –AR Those ending in –ER Those ending in –IR Cantar - to sing Comer – to eat Escribir – to write
Gustar with infinitives Just like nouns, infinitives can be used after a verb like gustar to say what you and others like to do. Always use gusta (NOT gustan) with infinitives. Me gusta la música. Me gusta cantar. I like music. I like to sing. Me gustan los deportes. Me gusta jugar al tenis. I like sports. I like to play tennis.
Pronouns after prepositions Pronouns take the place of a noun. Pronouns can stand for the same noun yet still have different forms depending on how they’re being used in the sentence. Yo soy Javier. Tengo quince años y me gusta dibujar. Both pronouns stand for Javier
You already know subject pronouns and pronouns used with gustar. Pronouns have a different form when they come after a preposition such as a (to), de (of, from, about), con (with), and en (in, on, at)
Pronoun used with gustar Pronouns used after prepositions Subject Pronoun Pronoun used with gustar Pronouns used after prepositions English equivalent Yo Me Mí I, me Tú Te Ti You Usted Él Le He, him Ella Her, she Nosotros (as) Nos We, us Vosotros (as) Os You guys Ustedes Les Ellos / ellas They, them
The pronouns mí and ti combine with the preposition con to make the special froms conmigo and contigo (“with me” and “with you”) With gustar, the phrase formed by a and a pronoun can be added to a sentence to emphasize or clarify who likes something. ¿A ti te gusta dibujar? A mí no me gusta. A ella le gusta. Do you like to draw? I don’t. She does.
Querer with infinitives Querer is an infinitive. It means “to want”. To say who wants something, we use a certain form of querer. Quiero Queremos Quieres Queréis Quiere Quieren Yo Nosotros Tú Vosotros Él / ella / usted Ellos / ellas / ustedes
Querer with infinitives Just as with gustar, you can use a noun or an infinitive after a form of querer to say what you or others want or want to do. Quiero helado. Ella quiere comer. I want ice cream. She wants to eat. ¿Qué quieren hacer? Queremos dibujar. What do you guys want to do? We want to draw.