After The Fall Ezra and Nehemiah Ezra’s Message In Jerusalem Ezra Chapters 9-10
WeekDateTopic 104 Sep 13Rebuilding the Temple: Ezra Sep 13Opposition to Rebuilding the Temple: Ezra Sep 13Ezra Arrives in Jerusalem: Ezra Sep 13Ezra’s Prayer: Ezra Oct 13Nehemiah Arrives in Jerusalem: Nehemiah Oct 13Rebuilding the Walls: Nehemiah Oct 13Nehemiah Helps the Poor: Nehemiah Oct 13Nehemiah Reads the Law: Nehemiah Oct 13Israelites Confess Their Sins: Nehemiah Nov 13New Residents of Jerusalem: Nehemiah Nov 13 Nehemiah's Final Reforms: Nehemiah Nov 13 Summary of Ezra and Nehemiah 1327 Nov 13 Malachi 1-4 Nehemiah
Today’s Objectives Review last weeks lesson Review the geo-political atmosphere surrounding Israel Learn about the complaint lodged about the leaders of Israel Learn how Ezra’s responds Learn what the people did in response to Ezra Learn about the great assembly and oath that the people took Learn what happens to the pagan wives of Israel’s leaders
Overview of Ezra Two distinct parts: –Part 1 – From BC, return, rebuilding the temple –Part 2 – Around 459 BC, Ezra’s arrival and teaching, first and third person writing style Ezra was a priest and scribe, son of Seraiah and a lineal descendant of Phinehas, the son of Aaron Ezra is sent by the Persian king to Jerusalem to enforce religious laws Ezra leads the second body of exiles that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem in 459 BC Book of Ezra is a work of religious history Describes his religious reforms, including introduction of the law and divorce of foreign wives
Babylonian Empire Under Nebuchadnezzar (600 BC) Turkey Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia
Achaemenid Persian Empire Under Cyrus (530 BC) Iran Afghanistan Syria Iraq Turkmenistan Pakistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan India Saudi Arabia Turkey Azerbaijan Georgia Armenia Kazakhstan China
Main Characters of Chapter 9-10 Sheshbazzar (Persian name)/Zerubbabel - Prince of Judah, at the head of the first Jews that returned to Jerusalem after the Exile Shechaniah - son of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam Artaxerxes - reigned between 464 and 424 BC
Places of Chapter 9-10 Judah – region of southern Israel, strategically located on the mountains overlooking the Jordan river Jerusalem – capital of Judah, or the southern kingdom, “city of David”, location of the temple Persia – part of modern day Iran
612 BC — Fall of the Assyrian Empire 587 BC – Nebuchadnezzar’s third attack on Jerusalem, remaining people carried away 546 BC – Cyrus becomes king of Persia 539 BC – Cyrus conquers Babylon 535 BC – Second temple reconstruction begins (approx) 515 BC – Second temple reconstruction completes 480 BC – The Battle of Thermopylae (Persians against Greeks) 458 BC – Ezra returns to Jerusalem 458 BC – Cincinnatus is named dictator of the Roman Republic 454 BC – Athens loses a fleet and possibly as many as 50,000 men in a failed attempt to aid an Egyptian revolt against Persia 445 BC – Artaxerxes I gives Nehemiah permission to rebuild Jerusalem Geopolitical Situation
Problem is Exposed (Ezra 9:1-4) Leaders report to Ezra (9:1-2) –When these things were done? What things? –Letter of Artaxerxes was read and executed –Leaders of Israel come forth to lodge a complaint –People of Israel, priests, and Levites have sinned –Not separated themselves from pagan people –Taken their daughters as wives and wives for their sons –Leaders had been committing the gravest sins Ezra’s complete astonishment (9:3) –Ezra tore his garment and pulled out his hair
Problem is Exposed (Ezra 9:1-4) Ezra is joined by others who grieve (9:4) –All who feared God’s words came to Ezra –The were also horrified by what had happened –The very people carried away into captivity would commit the same sins again
Ezra’s Prayer (Ezra 9:5-9) Ezra’s sense of shame (9:5-6) –Ezra fasts and mourns –Falls to his knees and prays to God –Iniquities have risen higher than their heads Ezra remembers God’s kindness (9:7-9) –Continues his prayer –Recognizes Israel’s sinful past –Recognizes God’s grace shown to Israel –Rejoiced in even a small amount of revival –God granted the restoration of Jerusalem
Ezra’s Prayer (Ezra 9:10-15) Ezra fears for God’s people (9:10-14) –Ezra offers no excuses for Israel’s sins –Conduct was indefensible –Israel has been punished less than their sins deserve Ezra calls upon the mercy of God (9:15) –Appeals to God –Ezra hopes for Israel’s covenant mercy –Recognizes Israel’s collective guilt
The People Decide to Repent of Their Sin (Ezra 10:1-8) The example of Ezra’s confession (10:1) –A large group witness Ezra’s confession –They are spiritually moved and weep bitterly Shechaniah exhorts the people to action (10:2-4) –Recognizes the people’s sins against God –Hope in Israel in spite of this sin –Offers a covenant on behalf of the people –All should forsake the pagan wives and offspring –Exhorts the guilty to do what was right –Shechaniah was not guilty of this, however
Ezra issues a proclamation (10:5-8) –Ezra makes the leaders and all Israel swear an oath to do according to the word –They swore the oath –Ezra continues to fast and mourn because of their guilt –All were told to gather at Jerusalem –All that would not come within three days, all property would be confiscated and they would be separated from the assembly –Ezra was given great authority (Ezra 7:26) and here he puts it to use The People Decide to Repent of Their Sin (Ezra 10:1-8)
Spirit of Repentance (Ezra 10:9-44) Ezra’s appeal to the assembly (10:9-11) –All the men of Judah and Benjamin gather at Jerusalem –All set in the open square of the house of God –Trembling in fear and from heavy rain –Ezra pronounces their transgression –Asks all to confess and separate themselves from their pagan wives The assembly responds (10:12-15) –The assembly agrees with a loud voice –Only four men disagree –The assembly asks for enough time to make it right
Each case is examined (10:16-17) – Over a three month period of time –Each case examined starting on the first day of the 10 th month until the first day of the 1 st month List of those found guilty (10:18-44) –Those who had to put away their wives because their wives refused to convert –About 114 Spirit of Repentance (Ezra 10:9-44)
Review Reviewed last weeks lesson Learned that Israel’s leaders had taken pagan wives Ezra responds by mourning and prays to God The people respond to Ezra’s prayer by mourning as well and undergo a great awakening A great assembly takes place where the leaders of Israel agree to disavow their pagan wives and children, Israel’s pagan wives and children are separated from the leaders Next week – Nehemiah 1-2: Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem