Prevalence Prevalence-The TOTAL number of individuals with a particular disability currently existing in the population at a given time. Prevalence is expressed as a percentage of the population exhibiting a specific exceptionality. e.g., if the prevalence of learning disabilities is estimated at 5% of the school age population, then we can reasonably assume that 5 out of every 100 students evidence a learning disability.
Prevalence According to the US Dept of Education, approximately six million U.S. students (5,541, 166) between 6 and 21 years of age receive special education services
Prevalence-The Big Four (90%) # of Children Percentage of Total LD 2,817, % Spch & Lang1,074, % MR611, ED463,
Prevalence-The Other 10% OHI220, Mult Disab107, Hear Imp70, Orthop Imp69, VI, Aut, DB TBI, DD
Facts About Children with Disabilities # of children has grown every year since a national count was begun in the school year Children with disabilities in special education represent approximately 9.0% of all children in school Approximately 90% of all children and youth receiving special education are reported under 4 categories (1) LD; (2) S & L (3) MR & (4) ED
Facts About Children with Disabilities In the general education population, males and females are enrolled in equal proportion About twice as many males as females receive special education
Facts About Children with Disabilities What about children birth through 5 years of age? IDEA addresses their needs in a separate section of the law. In the general population, 206,000, or about 2%, of U. S. infants and toddlers (birth to 36 months) receive early intervention services And almost 590,000 preschool children (ages 3 through 5 years), or approximately 5% of the U.S. preschool population, received early childhood services.