UNICEF Pre-assessment format
Structure of pre-assessment report Structure and content of report for this round (16 pages): Preamble: Vaccine requirements overview Vaccine products and availability Country by country review and comments: Preferred product presentations Procurement mechanism Cold chain
Contribution to IRC: Pre-Assessment of Country Applications (1/2) Supply Availability Vaccine availability, leadtimes, available formulations and presentations, products in pipeline and lead times, price information and validity, special market or procurement conditions e.g. AMC Demand review by country Preferred products and presentations, quantities requested as well as support period, wastage rates, scale of introduction, co- financing commitment, level and timing, procurement mechanism, expansion plans and implications for number of shipments and in-country distribution
Contribution to IRC: Pre-Assessment of Country Applications (2/2) Cold chain planning assessment in terms of requirements Procurement plan: realistic, frequency, duplication Funding source Supporting equipment: stabilizer, generator etc. Preparation for installation: foundation etc.
Overview of vaccine requirements as per September: 23 applications + 1 Demand as per country preferred product presentations in applications
Feedback from IRC would be appreciated after mission accomplished… Usefulness of presentation? Usefulness of pre-assessment report? Proposals for how to improve report with regards to structure and content?
Thank you
UNICEF SD conducts procurement of vaccines & injection safety supplies on behalf of countries & GAVI - MOUs in place to define UNICEF’s role as procurement agency Operational aspects of procurement and responsibilities Funding requirements and processes Financial and non-financial reporting requirements -Working with Procurement Reference Groups (PRGs) When: Convened when considered required by UNICEF and GAVI (currently for HepB/Hib containing vaccines, Pneumo and Rota) Purpose: to provide advise to UNICEF and GAVI on procurement of vaccines, including strategies, objectives and award recommendations Qualifications: building on expertise of partners and independents
UNICEF SD’s role in co-financing Support the operational implementation of the co-financing policy Inform countries of processes and requirements when sending Decision Letters, facilitating and following-up as needed Maintain monitoring tracking sheets Reporting to GAVI quarterly, and to partners on regional calls Reporting to GAVI/IFS TT following year-end to monitor default status