Healthcare Library Induction Name: Abbas Bismillah Job title: Healthcare Library Manager
HOW TO JOIN You can come and see us with your ID badge, or send us the completed registration from your induction pack, or join online at MEMBERSHIP The Healthcare Library serves the staff of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, community and primary care staff in West Berkshire, students on placement with either of the organisations and Berkshire Shared Services. MEMBERSHIP
HealthcareLibraryPhotocopier/Printer/ Library Catalogue Information Information Computer Room Journals Collection Training Room OUR LIBRARY IS MORE THAN BOOKS
SOME OF THE SERVICES ON OFFER Further information is available form our website at: Outreach Services Librarian Service Inter Library loan Service IT facilities New Books List Photocopying/Printing If there is a service that we currently don’t provide, please do ask us. We may be able to help Current Awareness/ Interest Groups Information Board/Library Newsletters Borrowing, renewing and reserving service Computer and Internet Access Out-of-hours access Library Catalogue (SWIMS) Training Literature Searching SERVICES:
If there is a service that we currently don’t provide, please do ask us. We may be able to help Map of Medicine Finding and evaluating health information Locating Books and Journals Induction to the library TRAINING SESSIONS AVAILABLE TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS: How to obtain individual help Using NHS journals via ATHENS Current awareness Locating E-Books Literature searching Searching the Cochrane database NHS Evidence resources Group Training or One-to One TRAINING For further information, see the training section on our website: Or Telephone:
For a full list of journals held by the library plus journals available electronically please go to My Journals and log-in using your Athens username via the link in the top right hand corner of the screen. To obtain access please register for a NHS Athens username and password available from: / / PRINT AND ONLINE JOURNALS JOURNALS 24/7 ACCESS
E-BOOKS – to obtain access please register for a NHS Athens username and password available from: E-BOOKS 24/7 ACCESS On-line access to the full text of over 400 E-Books including titles from World Health Organization and major publishers.
MY ATHENS RESOURCES ZETOC - British Library Electronic Table of Contents INFORMAWORLD Wiley Online Library Informa Healthcare Informa Healthcare SilverPlatter Arc2 Emerald Management eJournals ScienceDirect EBSCOhost EJS ProQuest - ProQuest Online Databases EBSCOhost databases Ovid Online British National Formulary NHS National Library for Health - (NLH BNF for Children MyiLibrary BMJ Learning BMJ Learning Map of Medicine BMJ Journals Collection BMJ Journals Collection JAMA & Archives Journals 123Doc: ebooks and online courses Your Athens ID authorises you to access the following resources. For a full list of journals held by the library plus journals available electronically please go to My Journals and log-in using your Athens username via the link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Graham Griffiths–Library Assistant (Berkshire Adolescent Unit) Tel: ; Tony Pringle BA Hons- Library Assistant - Tel: ; Janine Hall BSc - Library and Electronic Resources Assistant Tel: ; Barbara Moye – BSc; MSc; CPPD Teaching & Learning - Librarian Tel: ; Abbas Bismillah - Healthcare Library Manager Tel: ; OUR STAFF
PLEASE REMEMBER… The Healthcare Library is your Library We cover a large geographic area and recognise that some of our members and potential members may find it difficult to get here in person. Our website enables you to have access to many of our resources directly from your desktop at home or at work. Please use it to its full advantage. If you have any comments or suggestions about the service please direct them to the Manager. Healthcare Library Prospect Park Hospital, Honey End Lane, Reading RG30 4EJ TEL: ; FAX: Website: