Feelings and Emotions The effects on the siblings
Starting Point Think about your relationship with a sibling (or imagine) What did / do you think about them? How would you describe them? How did you spend time with them when you were children?
Sibling Relationships May be positive or negative (or both)
Sibling Relationships May be positive or negative (or both) Dependent on gender
Sibling Relationships May be positive or negative (or both) Dependent on gender Dependent on relative ages
Sibling Relationships May be positive or negative (or both) Dependent on gender Dependent on relative ages Dependent on circumstance / family structure
Sibling Relationships May be positive or negative (or both) Dependent on gender Dependent on relative ages Dependent on circumstance / family structure Complex
Sibling Relationships May be positive or negative (or both) Dependent on gender Dependent on relative ages Dependent on circumstance / family structure Complex Still relevant when sibling has a communication disorder and / or disability
Introduction The range and focus of research into the area of emotional effects on siblings Feelings expressed by siblings Influences on emotional / psychological response of Sibling Positive impact Negative impact Prevention and management Further help and information
Range and focus of research Most into general disabilities Often general impact on family functioning Some specific to ASD Some specific problems identified related to social communication disorders Most conclude further research is needed
Some specific issues Difficulties in being soothed in infanthood Difficulties with eating in infanthood Sleep difficulties in infanthood (Barwick et al 2004) ADHD (Cohen et al 1998) Behavioural difficulties Cognition and social cognition problems (Cohen 1998)
Feelings Expressed by Siblings Love Pride Happiness Loyalty Understanding
Feelings Expressed by Siblings Love Pride Happiness Loyalty Understanding Anger Frustration Jealousy Guilt Fear Anxiety Pressure Resentment Embarrassment Grief Loneliness Confused
Influences on Sibling Response Parents ability to cope Siblings temperament Nature and severity of the child’s disability Communication styles and ability within the family Level of support from extended family Services available Other sibling support within the family
Positive Effects Develop greater empathy and understanding of those with disabilities Increased tolerance of difficulties Enhanced communication skills Increased maturity and ability to be responsible Increased social competence
Negative Effects Isolated Over burdened Lack of parental attention Tiredness leading to impact on education Anxiety about sibling / parental wellbeing Resentment leading to “acting out” Escape – alcohol / drugs / inappropriate relationships Low self esteem
Exercise Given what we know about what influences the emotional and psychological impact on siblings of a child with social communication disorder or disability what can we do to reduce potential negative impacts?
Prevention of siblings emotional difficulties Understanding and knowledge Provide information in an age appropriate way Give time to take in and discuss Including the sibling Ensure professionals supporting the child with difficulties are aware of other children Give siblings time to talk about their own feelings and problems in their own life
Prevention of siblings emotional difficulties Take time to listen As parents remember to take care of your own health and emotional needs Give praise and encouragement for the achievements of siblings Foster and maintain extended family links or friendships Try to schedule time with other children
Prevention of siblings emotional difficulties Try to find time to engage in activities as a family that you can all enjoy Try to schedule in a special treat for siblings every so often so they have things to look forward to If seeing any worrying signs or behaviour changes don’t be afraid of asking for help or advice
Some Sources of help Young Carers: Handsel trust: Contact a family: For Siblings of disabled children: Childline: – Disability Alliance Young Minds Disability Alliance Disability Alliance
Some Sources of help Dynamic Wrexham The Princess Royal Trust for Carers local-centre-list?keys=&tid=10 local-centre-list?keys=&tid=10 local-centre-list?keys=&tid=10 Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham infomation-service Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham infomation-service infomation-servicehttp:// infomation-service .
Some Sources of help Unllais provides a directory of services available nationally and locally Wrexham Family Information Service (formerly Children's Infomration Bureau) /index_text.htm#contact Wrexham Family Information Service (formerly Children's Infomration Bureau) /index_text.htm#contact /index_text.htm#contact /index_text.htm#contact Meic is a new helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales.
Some Sources of help on - Denbighshire Family Information Service on on Flintshire Family Information Service tal/english/services?WCM_GLOBAL_CONT EXT=/web+content/flintshire/english/service s tal/english/services?WCM_GLOBAL_CONT EXT=/web+content/flintshire/english/service shttp:// tal/english/services?WCM_GLOBAL_CONT EXT=/web+content/flintshire/english/service s
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