Structuring your presentation
What can make a presentation difficult to understand? Do your presentations normally have a typical structure? If so, what is it?
Go through (v): search through or examine methodically: she started to go through a group of letters Mark walked into the bedroom and started going through their things, searching for a shirt he could put on.
Cover (v): deal with (a subject) by describing or analysing its most important aspects or events Other courses cover subjects that are important for all aspects of humanitarian work.
Issue (n): an important topic or problem for debate or discussion: the issue of racismraising awareness of environmental issues
Indicate (v): point out; show Figures released indicate a 2% increase in unemployment in the south east.
Move on to (phr. v): to change from one subject to another when talking or writing: Can we move on to the next item for discussion please?
Guide (v): help, something that helps you form an opinion or make a decision about something else I never follow recipes exactly when I cook - I just use them as rough guides.
Structure a presentation (v. phr.) arrange a presentation according to a plan; give a pattern or organization to the presentation You need to structure your presentation before you start to prepare your speech.
Watch video 2.1 and compare the speakers’ answers and experience with yours. Watch video 2.2 the presentation of Marcus Stevenson and do the activity 3 on your coursebook page 10.
Before you watch video 2.3 consider these questions: At which stages of the core structure will you tell the audience a) what you are going to rell them? b) What you have told them? c) Your key points? The Core Structure Introduction Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Conclusion
Watch video 2.3 and do the activity 5 on your coursebook p. 11 Watch video 2.4 and do the acticity 6 on your coursebook p.11 Lastly watch the expert view video 2.5 and compare his views with yours.
Match the structures used in a presentation with its sections the activity 1 on your coursebook p. 12 Now watch video 2.6 and check your answers. Do all the activities on pages 12 & 13.
Practicing a presentation task
Prepare a short presentation by choosing one of the cards on pages 5-9 of your coursepack. Your presentation should take about 5 minutes long. Study the useful phrases on page 14 on your coursebook p. 14 and try to use them as many as possible.
You have 10 minutes to prepare your presentation
Analysis Use the analysis checklist on page 15 while you watch the presentation of your friend. Self assesment: After you complete your presentation, think about your performance by answering the questions on page 15 about self assessment.