Fundamental Extra Credit For this units extra credit you have to select which plan you would like to complete. You CANNOT complete both plans. You must make an economic decision considering all opportunity cost. You do not have to complete 4 of the opportunities in each plan; however, you are welcome to do so.
Fundamental Extra Credit Plan 1: Education ~ Create a graphic organizer that shows the relationship of education and how it equates to a higher standard of living. Voluntary Exchange ~ Cite at least 10 examples of voluntary exchanges you have made in the last couple of weeks. Answer the following questions based on these exchanges. How are you better off by having made these exchanges? Did the person with whom you exchange gain too? How? Roles of Government ~ Obtain from me and read the article “How do Americans Feel about the Bailout”. After you have read the article, give a summary that briefly describes the article and then answer the question: How do you feel about the bailout? Your answer needs to explain why you think it is or is not a good idea. You are welcome to use other sources to back your opinion, just be sure to cite them. This is not an essay format. You are only required to write two short paragraphs (5-7 sentences) summarizing the article and then two paragraphs stating your view of bailouts. PPC ~ In this assignment you will complete 7 short answer questions concept PPC. See me to receive the handout. Make sure you explain all components in great detail to ensure complete credit for each questions. The short answers should be turned in as follows: Typed, double-spaced in 12 pt. Tahoma font. Margins must be at the standard Microsoft settings Answers should show full understanding PPC
Word Illustrations ~ Illustrate at least 3 different types of investments in our society (equipment, technology, etc.) Standard of Living ~ You will research the occupation you wish to work towards after high school. In this assignment, you will need to make sure you include the following information: Select a career you wish to pursue once you have graduated Research the salary online and what educational route you have to take to achieve that job List the steps you will take to achieve your goal Factors of Production ~ In a five paragraph essay, answer the following question. “Which factor of production is the most important and why?” In order to answer the question thoroughly, you must explain what each of the factors are and how your argument is better than the rest. Essay should be turned in as follows: Typed, double-spaced in 12 pt. Tahoma font. Margins must be at the standard Microsoft settings Essay should be one page in length but not exceed three pages Essay should show full understanding of the factors of production Specialization ~ You are the owner of a store. You make only one product. What is that product and how do you make it. Make sure to use the internet to ensure you are making your product correctly. For example if you are making shoes, you need to tell me that you need the material, rubber, laces, cloth, hole punchers, etc. Why did you choose this product? How is this process an example of specialization? Draw your product to turn in with your description and make sure you answer the questions. Fundamental Extra Credit Plan 2: