Darlene Fossum Area Director Ft. Lauderdale Area Office August 29, 2011 OSHA Update
Secretary Hilda L. Solis Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels Chief of Staff Deborah Berkowitz NEW SHERIFFS IN TOWN
OSHA’S MISSION Assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions.
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Secretary Solis; “Good Jobs for Everyone.” OSHA’S PERSPECTIVE “…no job is a good job unless it’s a safe job.”
OSHA LEADERSHIP 1. Strong, fair and effective enforcement 2. Outreach, education and compliance assistance 3. Partnerships and cooperative programs
ENFORCEMENT Emphasis on Safety and Health Programs An updated penalty policy More accurate reporting Resetting priorities on regulatory agenda –Common-sense approach –Stakeholder involvement
ENFORCEMENT CONT. Improved investigative techniques More consistent and equitable enforcement Provide stakeholders means to research enforcement activities –DOL Online Enforcement Database
DOL Online Enforcement Database
ENFORCEMENT CURRENT FATALITY DATA National Statistics (2010) – 4,447 State of Florida 2010 – (As of 8/22/11) –Jacksonville Area Office – 13 –Tampa Area Office – 32 –Ft. Lauderdale Area Office – 22
ENFORCEMENT INSPECTION DATA FY11 – Inspection Data (As of 8/22/11) –National Inspections -32,469 –Florida Inspections – 2,210 Jacksonville Area Office Tampa Area Office – 862 Ft. Lauderdale Area Office - 762
OUTREACH Increased interaction with associations and industry safety and health experts Programs and Initiatives –Distracted Driving Initiative –Heat Stress –Changing Workplace Culture –Education for Vulnerable Hard-to-Reach Workers
OUTREACH CONT. Review and change chemical safety issues and Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) Deletion of the Residential Construction Directive Targeting Program for Severe Violators (SVEP) Emphasis on Safety and Health Management Programs
COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE AND VOLUNTARY PROGRAMS Commitment to compliance assistance for small business –Provided assistance in 2010 to more than 200,000 stakeholders –Through On-site Consultation Program 30,000 on-site visits Developed over 25,000 Safety and Health Programs Trained over 600,000 workers thru OSHA 10 and 30 courses
OSHA’s Triple Bottom Line Reduce injuries… Illnesses … and Fatalities