Now Available! A new, fully-illustrated guide, called The Nature of New Hampshire: Natural Communities of the Granite State will be available online and at bookstores throughout the state in Spring This new book shows and describes New Hampshire’s amazing diversity of natural landscapes. The hope is that it will be used and enjoyed by a wide audience. from the NH Natural Heritage Bureau
Natural Communities A natural community is a specific combination of plants that regularly occur together. The book organizes the natural communities found in New Hampshire into chapters and sections based on broad habitat categories, some of which are shown in the photos that follow.
Alpine and Subalpine
Talus Slopes
Old-Growth Forests
Floodplain Forests Floodplain Forests
Sand Dunes
With photos, drawings, and accessible text, this book is a beautifully illustrated guide to New Hampshire’s stunning diversity of natural landscapes.
Rare Plants and Animals Karner Blue Butterfly wild lupine dwarf cinquefoil showy lady's slipper large yellow lady's slipper The book reveals many interesting facts about some of the state’s rare plants and animals.
Ice scour along the Connecticut River Fire at the Ossipee Pine Barrens Wind in a spruce - fir forest Natural Disturbance The disturbances that maintain natural communities – such as storms, floods, and fires – are examined in revealing detail.
Threats to Natural Communities The book also examines specific threats to New Hampshire’s native biodiversity, including habitat fragmentation, the encroachment of invasive species, and recreational disturbances.
Places to Go And finally, the book provides locations where you can visit good examples of each natural community.
back cover So keep an eye out for “The Nature of New Hampshire: Natural Communities of the Granite State.” This new, full- color reference guide to natural communities will be coming out in Spring 2011.