2013 D.C. Trip Report May 20-23, 2013 Washington, D.C.
The Trip’s Success by the Numbers 22nd Annual Trip 97 Travelers Representation from 28 States AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA and WI 340 meetings (281 House/59 Senate) With members from 47 states 80 meetings in February 500 Astronauts on the Hill
Travelers Briefing Monday Night Formed 24 teams, with team’s focus on Congressional office visits based on the student’s school or home state Keynote Speaker, JSC’s Dr. Tara Ruttley, Associate Program Scientist for the Space Station Program Hill update presented by J.T. Jezierski, from the House Science Space and Technology Committee Quote heard: “It was the best Travelers briefing ever!”
Our Students Delivered the Message 30 University Students / Educators Message: Space Exploration promotes STEM Education and Technical Careers Special recognition at the Congressional Reception Students Tweeted pictures and messages throughout the trip
International Space Station (ISS) Continue to utilize this world-class laboratory and extend its mission beyond 2020 Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Complete this next-generation spacecraft that will send human deep space missions beyond Low-Earth orbit Space Launch System (SLS) Complete this heavy-lift rocket capable of propelling America’s space explorers throughout the solar system Commercial Space Systems New systems for crew and cargo support to the ISS, helping to reduce the U.S. dependence on Russia What was the Message We Shared?
Overall there was strong continued bi-partisan support for human space exploration Major drivers: STEM Education America’s Leadership in Space High Technology– Economy National Security Impacts of Sequestration? Funding for all programs will be closely scrutinized Many offices expressed a desire for NASA to develop a bold mission What was the Congressional Response?
12 Representatives attended: Olson (TX-22), who emceed the event, Weber (TX-14) Stockman (TX 36) Foster (IL-11) Jackson Lee (TX-18) Flores (TX-17) Alexander (LA-5) Gohmert (TX-1) Palazzo (MS-4) Posey (FL-8) Hall (TX-4) and McIntyre (NC-7) Congressional Reception Tuesday Night
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors Trip Sponsor / Organizer BAHEP’s Aerospace Advisory Committee Student Sponsors BAHEP’s Aerospace Advisory Committee Jacobs Lockheed Martin The Boeing Company San Jacinto College District Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT) National Space Club-Huntsville Chapter Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors Reception Sponsors Boeing BAHEP’s Aerospace Advisory Committee Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce Partners for Stennis Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce
Next Year’s Trip, Save the Date Next Year’s Trip is Scheduled for May , 2014 New Host Hotel L’Enfant Plaza Hotel Directly atop a major METRO Station New Trip Format (Tuesday-Thursday)
Best Picture of the Year Our Astronaut was asked to speak before the U.S. Senate!