AGENDA Opportunities to connect with students Overview of Practical Engagement Program (PEP) internships How to be a PEP mentor (criteria) What is expected of a PEP mentor How to propose a PEP internship How to recruit SI students for part-time jobs, internships, and full-time positions Q & A
CONNECT WITH STUDENTS Part-time jobs Internships Full-time jobs Student Organizations- Student Organizations- projects, career panels, information sessions, etc. Mock Interview Program Student-Alumni Network Course projects
PEP OVERVIEW All students must earn 8 PEP credits in order to graduate (mainly through internships) An internship that is approved for PEP, is eligible for academic credit Part-time and full-time internships Paid vs. unpaid internships
WHY HIRE AN SI INTERN? Overview Benefits to organizations Testimonials Criteria Mentor criteria and expectations How to propose an internship
HOW TO RECRUIT SI STUDENTS SI contact: Career Development Office Part-time jobs/internships: Kelly Kowatch Full-time jobs: Joanna Kroll Anything else… iTrackiTrack (SI’s online recruiting system) – 1 st step to recruiting students for part-time jobs, internships and/or full-time jobs