2007 03 22 SLBF Overview Sierra Leone Business Forum Support for Improving the Business Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

SLBF Overview Sierra Leone Business Forum Support for Improving the Business Environment

SLBF Overview Sierra Leone Business Forum (SLBF) : Areas of engagement Supporting Admin Barriers Reforms Monitoring progress of reforms against targets (MTI M&E framework) Providing technical input on private sector priorities Validating and legitimising collective private sector interests and priorities Maintaining visibility of key issues Advocacy for continuing the reform agenda Supporting communications and public awareness of reform issues and progress Private Sector Development Private sector advocacy on sectoral priorities Consultation on sectoral policies Monitoring progress of reforms against targets (MTI M&E framework) Coordination with SLIEPA on export development and investment promotion priorities Private Sector Initiatives Advocacy for private sector priorities (e.g. access to finance) Promoting visibility of small-scale entrepreneurs and their needs.. Others to be determined by SLBF and its members SLBF is the private sector’s and Gov‘t’s platform for: Outreach, public awareness and communication Advocacy and consultation Supporting private sector’s ability to engage with government on economic policy developments Supporting advocacy for reform within government A structure for dialogue between private sector and government:

SLBF Overview How SLBF will support RABI reforms and PSD Coordinating Secretariat National Coordinator + 2 staff Group 3: Land, Locating and Planning Group 2: Tax and Customs Group 1: Business Start-Up Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Steering Committee PSD Strategy Working Groups Issues Raised by Private Sector: Working Groups Technical Committees Technical Committees Working Groups Group 4: Investment &Export Promotion Working Groups

SLBF Overview SLBF Participants Steering committee Coordinating secretariat Minister Trade/Industry, President CCISL DFID Representative Parliamentary Rep. Other Government and Private Sector Groups Executive Director Economist & Researcher Admin Barr Coordinator PSD Strategy Coordinator Technical Committee Expert Consultants Line Ministry/Agency Managers Directly Interested Private Sector Working groups Private Sector Ministry/Agency Directors Civil Society

SLBF Overview Minister of Finance Minister of Trade/ Industry Attorney General SLIEPA SLCCIA SLAM SLIBA Importers Assoc Indian Merchants Assoc Lebanese Business Comm’ty DFID Market Women’s Assoc Objective: Assure Broad Representation of Private Sector and Relevant Government Institutions Legislative Committee Board Membership Bankers Assoc

SLBF Overview Removing Administrative Barriers to Investment Business Start-Up Reducing costs of starting and doing business Streamlining processes Information storage and dissemination procedures Publication of regulations and procedures Land and Locating Information storage and dissemination procedures Land titling procedures published Titling system set up in Land Office Establish framework for cadastre (begin pilot study) Investment Promotion and Export Agencies Restructuring SLEDIC into 2 agencies Legislative change to support implementation Establish new organisation structures and procedures Capacity-building/training Operations (Tax and Customs) Information storage and dissemination procedures Initiate study of effective tax burden Establish HS2002 nomenclature system Publication of tax and customs systems and procedures Objectives Achievements Business Start-Up New streamlined 4step process Mandatory use of solicitor removed Exchange control permission removed Work & residence permits unified Land and Locating Freetown planning policy and masterplan to be completed by Q Investment Promotion and Export Agencies New SLIEPA legislation in process Transition management and restructuring to commence Q Operations (Tax and Customs) Advance tax payment for new businesses no longer required Streamlined customs processes and computerisation of customs underway

SLBF Overview Other Private Sector Development Programmes Policy Development Align sectoral and national PSD objectives Develop national policy document Capacity strengthening for policy unit Consultations Approvals 3-year Implementation Roadmap Legal Reform Define legislation needs to support policy Detailed audit of existing commercial laws Programme of revision and creation of new laws Establish commercial courts Support to ongoing commercial law reforms Priority Programmes National and sectoral initiatives for trade and investment promotion Compliance with international conventions Institutional reform, strengthening, capacity building Investment promotion conferences, other outreach Business Culture Set up consultation forums with private sector groups Capacity building and training(government and private sector bodies) Communications and public awareness CSR promotion Diaspora engagement MTI website informal sector survey study of Diaspora investment trends access to finance for SMEs Supporting and Related Activities: FIAS/DFID/World Bank PSD Strategy Programme: Ministry of Trade & Industry/ DFID Support to National Commission for Privatisation: NCP/DFID 2 year assistance to NCP Secretariat – advisors in power, transport, ports, water, financial services, commercial sectors. Also communications, regulation and legal support Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Intellectual Property Rights legislation

SLBF Overview Some Key Private Sector Priorities for Consideration* Policy Issues – Dialogues with GOSL and Development Partners – Legislative and Regulatory Reforms – Financial Sector Reforms and Capital Markets Development Shared Responsibilities – Informing the Private Sector Strategy – Holding ourselves and each other accountable – Adapting the business culture Business Issues) – Dialogues Between Each Other – Access to Capital (Debt and Equity investments) – Operational Risks – Talent Development and Training – Dispute Resolution – Value chain linkages * Validation required

SLBF Overview Roll-out Strategy - A phased roll out, ramping up the visibility and impact over time March 22 nd 2007 – Inaugural Steering Committee meeting – Familiarization, Commitment and Engagement April 12 th 2007 – 2 nd Steering Committee and Informal Gathering – Update on Admin Barriers and other reform initiatives – Working groups development – Course setting – M & E Frameworks May 24 th 2007 – Formal launch – Press event – Communicate progress to date and high priority areas for the future August 15 th 2007 Q3 Steering Committee – Strategy Assessment and Execution Planning September New Administration Engagement and Public Communications