What’s love got to do with it? - Governing Fundraising
Trustees & Fundraising Passion for the cause Governance & Compliance Vs
9 Trustee Codes of Practice be committed to the purpose, objects and values of the organisation be constructive about other trustees’ opinions in discussions, and in response to staff members’ contributions at meetings be able to act reasonably and responsibly when undertaking such duties and performing tasks be able to maintain confidentiality on sensitive and confidential information be supportive of the values (and ethics) of the organisation understand the importance and purpose of meetings, and be committed to preparing for them adequately and attending them regularly be able to analyse information and, when necessary, challenge constructively be able to make collective decisions and stand by them be able to respect boundaries between executive and governance functions © Institute of Fundraising
The Role Governance HR Management Policy Development Resourcing Networking Monitoring & Evaluation Caretaker Strategic Direction Risk Assessment Champions Board Development Charitable objects Fundraising Fundraisers Ethics/Fundraising/Vols Fundraising budgets Major gift fundraising Audit and Annual Return Providing support Fundraising strategy Fiscal oversight Governing projects or core services Skills development Connection to objects
Round 1 – Who leads? Treasurer Chair CEO Professional Board Member
Round 2 – What are you doing? ActivityManagementGovernance Events Grants Tenders/Contracts Corporate Collections Major Donor
Round 3 – How you do it Systems Structures Policies Procedures Quality
Round 4 – Where the magic happens Face to Face Online Events At home At work At the charity On the street
Round 5 – When? Time commitment Paying trustees Volunteer motivation Realistic expectations Role descriptions
And the winner is …… It’s a draw !!!!