Presented by: Amanda Martinez
Welcome On today’s agenda: Homework Reading Assessment STAAR Goals Diet/Sleep Discipline Plan
Homework Assigned Monday-Thursday Fluency, Spelling, Reading, & Math Please sign daily. What does my signature mean? You have reviewed and are confirming your child has completed all 4 assignments. You may also add comments/notes to the teacher on planner sheet.
Fluency Why does my child have Fluency homework each night? Steps to complete Fluency homework with your child: 1. Review Word Recognition boxes. 2. Student will read for one minute to you. As he/she reads, provide assistance/feedback on difficult words. 3. Record the number of words your child read in one minute.
Spelling More than memorizing words on weekly list Spelling City is a great and fun tool for students to practice Spelling Pattern of the week. For example, 1 st grade: Click on story of the week (What is a Pal?)
Reading Opportunity to reinforce the Phonics, Comprehension, and Vocabulary skills of the week Thursdays : 2 nd grade will send STAAR format passage will be sent for students to practice test-taking strategies they are learning in class. Visit the library with your child.
Math Revised standards=NEW math textbook adoption Students will not take consumable math books home. They may have a sheet from the math book with them, but they should not have the book with them. Please return the book immediately if your child takes it home. Goal: To help students build automaticity of basic addition/subtraction facts, counting, and mental math strategies so they can apply these concepts in problem- solving situations. Money/financial literacy
Reading Assessment: TPRI Results/Grades Students are tested 3 times a year in areas such as Graphophonemic Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, Comprehension, and Fluency. SD=Still Developing, D=Developed 2 nd grade goals-Beginning: 60 wpm, Middle: 75 wpm, and End: 9o wpm LIS=Listening, INS=Instructional, IND=Independent
What can I do at home to boost TPRI scores? With weekly spelling list, focus on spelling patterns your child is learning. Have students look for Spelling List patterns in newspapers, magazines, or books to find other words with the same patterns. Read along with your child-increasing their confidence and modeling good expression. Practice High Frequency Words. Review the 5Ws (who, what, where, when, why) before your child reads a story. After reading, have your child answer the 5Ws.
STAAR Goals What is STAAR? How important is the STAAR? Will my child be ready for the rigor of the STAAR? With your help, your child CAN and WILL succeed.
Diet Breakfast is important! A healthy lunch continues giving your child the energy he/she needs to make it through the end of the day. Highly processed, sugary, fatty and salty foods should only make up a very small part of your child’s diet. Foods to limit in school lunches include: Processed meats such as salami, ham, bologna Chips Fruit snacks Juices and soft drinks
Sleep Do you know how much your child is sleeping? Do you know how much sleep he/she really needs? Your child needs hours of sleep (National Sleep Foundation). Talk to your child about the importance of sleep. Encourage and stick to a bedtime routine. Pros/Cons of Naps
Discipline Plan Green/Yellow/Red stars in homework planner Green=Great day Yellow=Warning given Red=Office/Parent Conference needed Pattern of 2 or more yellow stars in a week→Teacher will send note/conference request Please talk to your child about importance of following rules (i.e. respecting others).
Thank you! If you have any questions about your child’s academic progress, please contact your child’s teacher at (956) Please be sure to pick up additional tips for activities to do at home with your child.