I will hand back work. Hand back work (or at the end of the period)
Think out loud reflection How is the HAL9000 similar to Likho and Polythemus? How is Dr. Bowman similar to the men in Likho and Odysseus.
Myths to Reality Do these characters reveal anything about our reality?
I’m sorry, Dave…we have to move on from our world of one-eyed beings to the worst creature known to man…THE WOMAN!
How could you, WOMAN!!??
Portrayal of Women Make a list of all the qualities women possess in the myths we have read thus far. You may also reference myths and legends you have read on your own. (Do not reflect on more recent tales such as The Hunger Games or Pan’s Labyrinth.) Write the name of the character and their qualities. Example: Hera - What are her qualities as the wife of Zeus? After you have listed at least three women, write a sentence that gives us a general sense of how most women are portrayed in some well know myths.
Read Gwydion and Aranrhod This is a Celtic myth with Welsh roots. It was first told orally by traveling bards. As we read the myth out loud, please make notes to yourself. (Make annotations of how women are represented, any familiar themes from other myths, etc…)
How could you, WOMAN!!??
Do Now – Discussion SWBAT reflect the roles of women in traditional myths. How are women represented in the Celtic myth thus far? What elements of this tale are similar to other myths?
Since women are craaazzzy, keep them in check. As we read this week, think how myths have shaped humanity or vice versa, even in the present day. Why does Boko Haram kidnap girls? The Islamist militants' name translates to "Western education is a sin" in the local language. The group especially opposes the education of women. Under its version of Sharia law, women should be at home raising children and looking after their husbands, not at school learning to read and write.
Continue reading Gwydion and Aranrhod As we continue reading, think about the roles women play in this myth.
Medussa What is your knowledge of Medusa? mythology/videos/the-story-of-medusa
Read Medusa We will read Medusa. Does knowing her background change the story for you? How else are women represented in this myth.
SWBAT discuss the roles of females in Medusa and other myths.
Do Now – Create your own “typical female” mythological character Create your own “TYPICAL” female character. Write in first person … Give her the qualities attributed to the ones we have seen thus far in the myths we have read. Give your character a: NAME LAND THAT SHE LIVES IN HER BEST TRAIT HER WORST TRAIT Explain what made her develop her best and worst trait.
Medusa Was she raped by Poseidon or stated she was prettier than Athena? Is either cause to be turned into a hideous beast with serpents for hair? (Maybe she didn’t use Maybelline, but still…) What happens when men in myths do something bad?
Which female villain are you?? villain-are-you villain-are-you Medusa Video mythology/videos/the-story-of-medusa
MEDUSA Continue reading Medusa. Keep jotting down notes to yourself on how women and men are represented. Think too of SYMBOLS!! Continue reading Medusa. Keep jotting down notes to yourself on how women and men are represented. Think too of SYMBOLS!!
Men Vs. Women Robert Graves (Greek Myths, 1958) believes that the myth of Perseus preserves the memory of the conflicts which occurred between men and women in the transition from a matriarchal to a patriarchal society. In fact the function of the Gorgon's mask was to keep men at a safe distance from the sacred ceremonies and mysteries reserved for women, i.e. those which celebrated the Triple Goddess, the Moon. Graves reminds us that the Orphic poems referred to the full moon as the 'Gorgon's head'. The mask was also worn by young maidens to ward off male lust. The episode of Perseus' victory over Medusa represents the end of female ascendancy and the taking over of the temples by men, who had become the masters of the divine which Medusa's head had concealed from them.
…OR IS MEDUSA THE SYMBOL OF FEMINISM "The Amazon Gorgon face is female fury personified. The Gorgon/Medusa image has been rapidly adopted by large numbers of feminists who recognize her as one face of our own rage."
Discussion and homework Do you think Medusa is the symbol for feminists or the symbol to promote a patriarchal society? For homework: Write one page stating whether or not you believe Medusa is a symbol of feminism. Due Monday
Look at other villainous female characters Look at the legends of other females…What is a common quality they all have? 10-worst-theological-or-mythological- demons/
Best thing to do is to create your own non-psycho woman DO IT YOURSELF PROJECT! CREATE YOUR OWN WOMAN! READ OVID’S MYTH PYGMALION. Where do we see this story in present day?
What do you think life was like in Greece for the ladies… FEMALE LIFE IN GREECE
Re-create your female character Go back to the Do Now….but change her up so she can perhaps redeem herself like Herakles did.