Technology/Alternative Education Update A Report to the Board of Education Peter Weber, Ed. D. Deputy Superintendent Mark Secaur Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction April 15, 2015
Educational Technology Curriculum Instruction Assessment Professional Development
Improved Student Engagement/Learning in Pursuit of our Desired Student Outcomes SoftwareHardware Infrastructure
Wireless Bandwidth IT Support
Hardware Tablets Chromebooks Document Cameras Smart boards/Intelliboards Epson Interactive Tables 3D Printers and much, much more
Software/Applications Overview Audit Aligning Professional Development Role of Library Media Specialists
Technology as an Instructional Strategy Blended Learning Flipped Classroom
Digital Age Teaching and Education Program (D.A.T.E./Model Schools) Nassau BOCES Focused PD Workshops Forums
Alternate Learning Center for Online Learning Partnership with SUNY- Empire State College Multivariable Calculus