Diocese of Bristol Spring Safeguarding Forum 2014
Diocese of Bristol Agenda Upcoming Changes and Opportunities: Updated PSO Role and name DBS/ Safer Recruitment Training Policy and Procedures DSSG Coffee and Cake Over to You
Diocese of Bristol PSO Role The title has changed (you have probably noticed) The Role Description has been updated- it is on the website and hopefully you have picked up a copy What do you think?
Diocese of Bristol DBS/ Safer Recruitment Moving to E Bulk via CCPAS No more paper forms, ID checkers in each parish, some results on-line and faster. More information by letter on (or around) 22 nd April 2014 You will need to attend training before you can use the new system (Mid May to end of July). The current system will continue to run until at least late summer. Updated safer recruitment guidelines will be released for the training dates
Diocese of Bristol Training Everyone working with children, young people or adults at risk needs safeguarding training at least every 3 years. Training for ministers, PSO’s, diocesan staff provided via DSA: Course dates should be out in the next few days Training in Parishes- how do you manage, do you manage? Training plan likely to change for year 2015
Diocese of Bristol Training this Year For Ministers, PSO’s and those with specific safeguarding responsibility: Basic and Refresher Safeguarding Allegations Management Domestic Abuse Understanding Mental Health Working with Offenders Safer Recruitment
Diocese of Bristol Policy and Procedures Updated Diocesan ones are on their way! They will be web hosted. Check out the website, but you can print off paper copies if you wish. First to arrive: Policy -Joint children and adults (currently going through drafting) Information storage and sharing guidance Allegations management ( currently going through drafting ) Updated Good Practice Guidelines and Safer Recruitment Procedure are on their way- due late May
Diocese of Bristol DSSG Diocesan Safeguarding Steering Group Formed to oversee safeguarding work and risk management in the diocese Meets quarterly- first meeting 8 th April 2014 Independent Chair: Justin Humphreys- Head of Safeguarding at CCPAS Also includes police and local authority reps, two parish safeguarding officers, diocesan staff, registrar.
Diocese of Bristol Work later this year Parish checklist and annual audit- how are we doing, what shall we focus on next year? National team are issuing new training and procedure guidance Authorised Listeners More forums?
Diocese of Bristol Coffee Break Tasks First and foremost : Eat cake, get a drink and get to know some other people. Then… Do I have up to date contact details for your parish/ group/ cathedral/ project? If not find the ‘update’ sheet. Do you have a training venue we can use- find the training venue sheet and let me know. If you host training, you don’t have to travel far! Do you have points/ questions you would like to raise- fill in a ‘questions slip’, I’ll try to address them in the second half.
Diocese of Bristol Over to You So do you have ideas, issues that need answers, totally confused and want to ask? Lets hear it!
Diocese of Bristol THANK YOU